
Addon AdvancementsAddon 1.0.0

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This is a Skript addon designed to allow for full control over Advancements in 1.12+

Here is a well explained wiki of what Advancements are

There will be more changes and features added in the future. The current Spigot build as of posting this, doesn't allow for player's to join the server. Also spigot is still doing heavy development on these features. More will be added soon.

All syntax except events are generated in a Syntax.yml that you can edit.


    #Event called when a player finishs an advancement
    [on] [player] advancement (award|get|complete):
        event-key #The key of the advancement

    Advancement = advancement
    NamespacedKey = (namespacedkey|key)


   #Create an advancement for a world
  (make|create) [a[n]] advancement [[with] name[d]] %string% [[(,| and)] [with]] title %string% [[(,| and)] [with]] desc[ription] %string%" [[(,| and)] [with]] icon %string% [[(,| and)] [with]] trigger %string% [[(,| and)] [with]] background %string% [[(,| and)] [for]] world %string% [[(,| and)] [with]] item %itemtype%

    #Force the advancement to be awarded
    (award|give) [all criteria of] advancement %advancement% to %player%

    #Revoke access of this advancement
    (revoke|take|remove) [all criteria of] advancement %advancement% from %player%


    #Get the criteria of this string (more info
    advancement criteria of %advancement%
    %advancement%'s advancement criteria

    #Get the NamespacedKey class of an advancement.
    #Info: If messages it will contain the namespace and the key
    advancement [name[ ]spaced] key of %advancement%
    %advancement%'s advancement [name[ ]spaced] key

    #Return the AdvancementProgress class of an advancement for a player
    #Info: Still under working progress
    advancement progress of %advancement% (for|of|from) %player%
    %player%'s advancement progress for %advancement%
First release
Last update
4.50 star(s) 4 ratings

More resources from LimeGlass

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Great addon ! But idk what to put inside trigger, icon and background field ! Can you help me with that ?
Btw sorry for my english :p
LimeGlass is a top-notch developer and delivers yet another wonderfully useful and easy-to-use plugin. Well done, my friend!
The addon seems perfect but so comlicated please add some examples like making advancement
Neat. Wasn't expecting an Advancements addon for a while.