- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
- 1.13
- 1.14
Please do not report errors in the reviews, thanks!
You can donate to me in https://www.paypal.me/MattyHD0
- Skript
/simplebackpack view <player>
You can donate to me in https://www.paypal.me/MattyHD0
- Skript
backpack-name: &8Your Backpack
other-backpack-name: &8%{_player}%'s Backpack #Don't use the same name you used in 'backpack-name' or there will be errors!
backpack-rows: 3
not-editable: &c[Non-editable inventory]
not-editable-message: &cThis inventory is not editable
prefix: &8[&6SimpleBackpack&8] &7
open-message: true
open-backpack-message: You just opened your backpack
close-message: true
close-backpack-message: You just closed your backpack
other-backpack-message: You are checking %{_player}%'s backpack
clean-message: You cleaned %{_player}%'s backpack
permission-message: &cYou don't have permission to do that!
version: v1.0.0
/backpack - simplebackpack.backpack
/simplebackpack help - simplebackpack.admin
/simplebackpack view <player> - simplebackpack.admin
/simplebackpack clear <player> - simplebackpack.admin
/simplebackpack reload - simplebackpack.admin
/simplebackpack help - simplebackpack.admin
/simplebackpack view <player> - simplebackpack.admin
/simplebackpack clear <player> - simplebackpack.admin
/simplebackpack reload - simplebackpack.admin
this script is fully configurable, you can edit all messages, backpack names and their size
/simplebackpack view <player>