「 SimpleBackpack 」an easy and comfortable way to store items

Script 「 SimpleBackpack 」an easy and comfortable way to store items 1.0.1

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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.8
  2. 1.9
  3. 1.10
  4. 1.11
  5. 1.12
  6. 1.13
  7. 1.14
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- Skript

backpack-name: &8Your Backpack
other-backpack-name: &8%{_player}%'s Backpack #Don't use the same name you used in 'backpack-name' or there will be errors!
backpack-rows: 3

not-editable: &c[Non-editable inventory]
not-editable-message: &cThis inventory is not editable

prefix: &8[&6SimpleBackpack&8] &7

open-message: true
open-backpack-message: You just opened your backpack

close-message: true
close-backpack-message: You just closed your backpack

other-backpack-message: You are checking %{_player}%'s backpack

clean-message: You cleaned %{_player}%'s backpack

permission-message: &cYou don't have permission to do that!

version: v1.0.0
/backpack - simplebackpack.backpack

/simplebackpack help - simplebackpack.admin
/simplebackpack view <player> - simplebackpack.admin
/simplebackpack clear <player> - simplebackpack.admin
/simplebackpack reload - simplebackpack.admin

this script is fully configurable, you can edit all messages, backpack names and their size



/simplebackpack view <player>
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

More resources from MattyHD0

Latest updates

  1. Minor Bugfixes

    [-] Removed useless code lines [+] Syntax fix for high versions

Latest reviews

Great skript simple and not so complex. I also gave the dev a working 1 for 1.16 that they can use and still stays to its vanilla ways <3 Happy Holidays