- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.7
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
我是一个中国人 不要吐槽我的英语有多烂
Create a new recipe in your server. Support Spigot 1.7 ~ 1.11
Easy to configuration and no lag
- Easy - Skript Code isn't Java
- Fast - GUI operation does not edit config files
- No Command - Shift-Right Click on Crafting table to open the GUI
- Item - Support Name, Lores, Enchants, NBT.... and more
- 简单来说这是一个非常暴力的插件...
- 我机翻水平真的烂的很所以英文看起来很糟糕..
- 一个免费的完全自定义合成插件
- 本站大部分合成插件全都是付费的
- 虽然是 SKRIPT 脚本... 但是用起来这点呢很吊很吊
- 支持物品的所有数据, 名字,介绍,附魔等等等等...
- 全GUI界面操作不需要任何指令 而且支持GUI界面直接更改合成
- /cr - Open the GUI
- cr.admin - Open the GUI
- Download the Skript, SkQuery, Skrayfall, SkMorkz on Spigotmc.org
- Restart your server
- Put the ConstomRecipes.sk in "/plugins/Skript/scripts"
- Execute command "/sk reload all"
- A type of recipe of more than 54 the behind recipe can not edit
- 一个类型的合成数超过54则后面的不能被查看或编辑
- Skript, Skrayfall, Skquery, SkMorkz
- 1.0: Publish
Score Score Score...
Free and powerful plugin do not score it..??
Report BUG also no problem