► ExoSec ◄► Premium AntiCheat ◄

Script ► ExoSec ◄► Premium AntiCheat ◄ 1.4

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I fully check your exosec but can you add this in AutoSneak
IDK if it will work but it will be nice if I could help develop

on sprint toggle:
if {check.autosneak} is true:
if player is sneaking:
add 1 to {sneaking.%player%}
loop all players:
if {alerts.%loop-player%} is true:
send "%{r.Prefix}% &8&o// &7[&aAutoSneak&7] &8&o// &a%player% &8&o// &aPing: %{ping.%player%}%" to loop-player
No offence, but this is badly developed. I get over 20 errors (with all the dependencies) , and it doesn't exempt player's in different modes. Players can get be banned for changing their walk speed. Players can also be banned if they are being hit whilst in a cobweb. I noticed that the commands can overlap since there is no root command. Every 'if' and 'else' function is missing the 'stop' declaration. With the ping check, instead of checking if the ping is in between two numbers, it should be the minimum number and above. The kill aura is the worst. Mobs should not be spawned above players, but behind them, for 5 ticks. The kill aura only detects if the player is holding certain items, instead of exempting reach for thrown projectiles. With the autoclicker check, the CPS limit is 15 CPS. People can jitter-click way faster than 15 CPS, and butterfly-click even faster. I can get 17 with jitter, and about the same with butterfly. I clearly understand your methods, and see the errors in them, and appreciate your effort.