Ξ ШλгѻцЅρ Anti Cheat Ξ

Script Ξ ШλгѻцЅρ Anti Cheat Ξ 1.4

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LOL the firework ban effect is SAVVVAAGGE!
I am adding /smite to it too XD
Really good anti-cheat. Love the packet anti-cheat system you have made!
awesome! !
Awesome plugin!
But when a hacker gets kicked you will see this error...

I'm sorry for my bad English
Excellent, Well done @WAROUSP. I love your script, I hope you'll make it even better and i hope more people will rate your resource as 5/5.
Good script. I like your mechanics. But you have useless variables like {config.*} - i suggest to call config, also include all needed files in download directly.
Thanks for your review ! I will modify this to decrease the amount of variables.
Really good developer. Awesome script!
I hope you will get more popular and more people will download your script, since it is really good
Good job! nice fuctions and all is awesome :D
