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  1. A

    Semi Anti Cheat Skript - HELP! (simple code)

    i want to make a system that if there is a player have a permission "*" and the name of player is not "Name1", "Name2" or "Name3", it will remove the permission. i make this code, please help. code: every second: if player have permission "*": if name of player is not "Daichi_keii"...

    Script Ξ ШλгѻцЅρ Anti Cheat Ξ 1.4

    I. Introduction WAROUSP is the first Skript Anti-Cheat using packets. Fast Detection! Eradiquate cheaters now using WAROUSP. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ II.Requiered Please read this before, it contains essentials informations for WAROUSP is working Requiered • Java 8 • Minecraft Server 1.8 + •...
  3. LimeGlass

    Script Vandal 1.0.1

    By: LimeGlass What is Vandal? Vandal is an Anti-Cheat script that I will be constantly working on and improving. Vandal is designed to give insane configuration, including the time hacks are triggered, the time it checks, the amount of hits, actions to perform and so much more! Hacks...