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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.10
  2. 1.11

By: LimeGlass

What is Vandal?

Vandal is an Anti-Cheat script that I will be constantly working on and improving. Vandal is designed to give insane configuration, including the time hacks are triggered, the time it checks, the amount of hits, actions to perform and so much more!

Hacks currently blocked:
- Killaura
- TooManyPackets/Regeneration

Plugins needed:
- Skellett
- Citizens

Download all the plugins above.
Restart server.
Go to plugins/Skellett/config.yml and set node PluginHooks.Npc to true
Restart server.


  version: 1.0.1
  saveFiles: 'false'
  accessMode: permissions
  prefix: §8[§6§lVandal§8] §r
    gui: vandal.gui
    staff: vandal.staff
  - LimeGlass
  MaxTimeout: 1000 seconds
      Enabled: 'true'
      TestEvery: 3 minutes
      TestTimeLength: 15 seconds
      MaxNpcHits: '25'
      MaxNpcHitsTime: 1.5 seconds
      Action: Kick
      KickMsg: §cKillaura is not allowed on this server {PLAYER}
      BanMsg: §cKillaura is not allowed on this server {PLAYER}
      Evaluate: staffWarn("Killaura", {PLAYER})
      MessageStaff: 'true'
      Message: '§c{PLAYER} §7suspected of Killaura! (CPS: {KILLAURA_CPS})'
      Enabled: 'true'
      MaxPackets: '2500'
      Action: Kick
      KickMsg: §cYou are sending too many packets!
      BanMsg: §cYou have been banned for sending too many packets!
      Evaluate: staffWarn("TooManyPackets", {PLAYER})
      MessageStaff: 'true'
      Message: '§c{PLAYER} §7suspected of TooManyPackets! Most sent packet: {HIGHEST_PACKET} ({HIGHEST_VALUE})'

  Menus: #List of custom menus. Add a menu here then the options to config a new menu
  - mainmenu
    type: HOPPER #Inventory type
    size: '3' #Size of inventory if it's a chest
    name: '           §4§l§nVandal Menu'
        slot: '0'
        item: beacon
        name: §6§lHack toggles
        lore: §7You can toggle any||§7tracked hacked here.
        evaluate: '{PREMADEGUI} toggles' #What the slot does when clicked
        slot: '2'
        item: command block
        name: §6§lSystem settings
        lore: §7You can toggle any||§7system settings here.||§4§lComing soon!
        slot: '4'
        item: chest minecart
        name: §6§lVersion and developer
        evaluate: 'message "§a§l-------------------------------------" to player;message
          centered " ", "§6§l§nVandal Anti-Cheat§r", " ", "§fDeveloped by: §a§lLimeGlass"
          and "§fVersion: §6§l1.0.0" to player;message "§a§l-------------------------------------"
          to player'
  PremadeMenus: #Menus that Vandal uses that you can configure
      name: '         §4§l§nVandal Toggles'
        item: light green stained clay
        name: §a§l{HACK}
        lore: §7{HACK} is currently {HACKSTATECOLOUR}{HACKSTATE}||§7Click to {ANTIHACKSTATECOLOUR}{ANTIHACKSTATE} §r§7{HACK} checking.
        item: red stained clay
        name: §c§l{HACK}
        lore: §7{HACK} is currently {HACKSTATECOLOUR}{HACKSTATE}||§7Click to {ANTIHACKSTATECOLOUR}{ANTIHACKSTATE} §r§7{HACK} checking.
        item: nether star
        name: §6§lBack
        lore: §7Go back to mainmenu.

- More awesome unique stuff.
- Configurable stuff
- More Hack checks
- Bungeecord messaging support
- Staff alerts
- Violation settings
- Add option to disable knockback on the bot

{PLAYER} - The player who hacked
{PING} - The ping of the hacker
{KILLAURA_CPS} - The CPS the killaura hacker had
{PACKETS} - The number of packets they sent when they got kicked
{HIGHEST_PACKET} - The packet that was spammed the most to the server from the hacker
{HIGHEST_VALUE} - The amount of the packet above that was sent
{HACK} - The hack that the player was using
{HACKSTATE} - The toggle state of the hack in the config
{ANTIHACKSTATE} - The opposite of the above
{HACKSTATECOLOUR} - The colour red or green depending on the toggle
{ANTIHACKSTATECOLOUR} - The opposite of the above
First release
Last update
4.13 star(s) 8 ratings

More resources from LimeGlass

Latest updates

  1. Added TooManyPackets timeout, more placeholders and a staff message system.

    Added: - TooManyPacket timeout hack (Caused when a hacked client tries to send too many packets...
  2. Quick fix

    Changed some default values.

Latest reviews

skript not work... i have skript 2.2 and spigot 1.8.8 i downloaded all plugins needed but... not working.
Do you consider support for this as 1.8.8? I strongly want to correspond to 1.8.8
It does support 1.8?
PERFECTTTTTT. VANDALLLLL. (You should get the scandal reference here)
The Best Killaura anticheat and now regen what the next
Its relly good but you should add 1.8.9 support and say in the post Which versions i works with
Very good script!
Please continue this :)
Thanks, i'm going to check on this in about 1 hour and i will make another review. Nice work by a quick scroll of the skript
Very nice work there LimeGlass! Looking forward to the updates.