Rapid-fire your requests :)

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Feb 26, 2024
Elmo's world
Alright, so, similar to the message below this one about skript ideas

I want you all to rapid-fire challenges, ideas, or requests, and I'll make them (unless it's impossible)
If it's big or complex I might not. If you want me to make them as a full-on Java plugin, I will.

Fire away.
Create a customisable skript for gap and pearl limits and if u can somehow do that remake the nexus smp plugin
Also gimme a rundown on the nexus smp plugin, because I'm not watching a bunch of yt videos for a rapid fire request.
custom swords

Earth Sword
Deepdark Sword
End Sword
Nether Sword
Aether sword

Abilities for the swords:
Nether Sword: Buff = Haste 6, Debuff = Wither 2
Earth Sword: Buff = Speed 3, Debuff = Mining Fatigue 2
End Sword: Buff = Regeneration 2, Debuff = Slowness 3
Deep Dark Sword: Buff = Strength 3, Debuff = Weakness 2
Aether Sword: Buff = Instant Health 2, Debuff = Slow Falling

[the buffs mean u gain it upon hitting and the opponents that was hiiii get the debuffs]
20 second cooldown for each ability btw
How's this, @Yushaa?

    pearl: 8
    gaps: 64
    delay: 20 #in ticks

on join:
    while player is online:
        amount of ender pearls in player's inventory > {@pearl}:
            while amount of ender pearls in player's inventory > {@pearl}:
                remove 1 ender pearl from player
                chance of 25:
                    wait 1 tick
        amount of golden apple in player's inventory > {@gaps}:
            while amount of golden apple in player's inventory > {@gaps}:
                remove 1 ender pearl from player
                chance of 25:
                    wait 1 tick
        wait {@delay} ticks
How's this, @Yushaa?

    pearl: 8
    gaps: 64
    delay: 20 #in ticks

on join:
    while player is online:
        amount of ender pearls in player's inventory > {@pearl}:
            while amount of ender pearls in player's inventory > {@pearl}:
                remove 1 ender pearl from player
                chance of 25:
                    wait 1 tick
        amount of golden apple in player's inventory > {@gaps}:
            while amount of golden apple in player's inventory > {@gaps}:
                remove 1 ender pearl from player
                chance of 25:
                    wait 1 tick
        wait {@delay} ticks
Really good
Alright, so, similar to the message below this one about skript ideas

I want you all to rapid-fire challenges, ideas, or requests, and I'll make them (unless it's impossible)
If it's big or complex I might not. If you want me to make them as a full-on Java plugin, I will.

Fire away.
make a stats skript that includes
Deaths, health, world, blocks breaken, blocks placed, mob kills, playtime, ping
https://proxy.spigotmc.org/1e0241c6...ZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/0XYD41n3hC54NW0XVp/giphy.gif like this

Here's a scoreboard because your image didn't work. Requires SkBee.
on join:
    while player is online:
        set {_mined} to mine block stat of player
        set {_deaths} to deaths stat of player
        set {_kills} to mob kills stat of player
        set {_health} to player's health
        set {_world} to player's world
        set {_ping::*} to player's ping
        set {_placed} to {placed::%player's uuid%}
        set title of player's scoreboard to "&aStats"
        set line 12 of player's scoreboard to "&c"
        set line 11 of player's scoreboard to "&b&lPlayer----"
        set line 10 of player's scoreboard to "&6Username: &a%player%"
        set line 9 of player's scoreboard to "&6Health: &a%{_health}%"
        set line 8 of player's scoreboard to "&6World: &a%{_world}%"
        set line 7 of player's scoreboard to "&6Ping: &a%{_ping::*}%"
        set line 6 of player's scoreboard to "&c"
        set line 5 of player's scoreboard to "&b&lGeneral----"
        set line 4 of player's scoreboard to "&6Blocks Placed: &a%{_placed}%"
        set line 3 of player's scoreboard to "&6Blocks Mined: &a%{_mined}%"
        set line 2 of player's scoreboard to "&6Mob Kills: &a%{_kills}%"
        set line 1 of player's scoreboard to "&6Deaths: &a%{_deaths}%"
        wait 10 ticks

on place:
    add 1 to {placed::%player's uuid%}
made it customizable.

Requires Skript 2.8+

    duration: 5  #duration can't be longer than cooldown
    cooldown: 20 #or else the effects will never stop
                 #as long as you keep hitting them.

function giveswords(p: player):
    set {_names::*} to "&cNether", "&3Deepdark", "&6Earth", "&eAether" and "&bEnd"
    loop size of {_names::*} times:
        give {_p} unbreakable netherite sword of sharpness 5 named "%{_names::%loop-number%}% Sword"
        wait 1 tick

command giveswords [<player>]:
    permission: *
        arg is not set:

on damage:
    name of attacker's tool contains "&cNether", "&3Deepdark", "&6Earth", "&eAether" or "&bEnd":
        attacker has attacker's tool on cooldown:
            set item cooldown of attacker's tool for attacker to {@cooldown} seconds
            name of attacker's tool contains "&cNether":
                apply haste 6 without particles to attacker for {@duration} seconds
                apply wither 2 without particles to victim for {@duration} seconds
            else if name of attacker's tool contains "&3Deepdark":
                apply strength 3 without particles to attacker for {@duration} seconds
                apply weakness 2 without particles to victim for {@duration} seconds
            else if name of attacker's tool contains "&6Earth":
                apply spped 3 without particles to attacker for {@duration} seconds
                apply mining fatigue 2 without particles to victim for {@duration} seconds
            else if name of attacker's tool contains "&eAether":
                apply instant health 2 without particles to attacker for {@duration} seconds
                apply slow falling 1 without particles to victim for {@duration} seconds
            else if name of attacker's tool contains "&bEnd":
                apply regeneration 2 without particles to attacker for {@duration} seconds
                apply slowness 3 without particles to attacker for {@duration} seconds