Solved Register new type

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Jan 26, 2017
Good evening,
I am trying to save a new type (CraftingInventory) but I do not understand how to do: / I looked at several code but none is intuitive for me ....
/*Register new type*/
Classes.registerClass(new ClassInfo<>(MyType.class, "mytype")
.parser(new Parser<MyType>() {
public MyType parse(String s, ParseContext parseContext) {
return null;

/*Could it be parsed in scripts or not*/
public boolean canParse(ParseContext context) {
return false;

/*How it would be parsed in scripts*/
public String toString(MyType myType, int i) {
return myType.toString();

/*How it parsed inside variable*/
public String toVariableNameString(MyType myType) {
return myType.toString();

/*How variables are parsing with this type*/
public String getVariableNamePattern() {
return ".+";
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Also, in case the CraftingInventory is the bukkit one, you don't need to register it since it is already by Skript with Inventory.
It's more easier to use %inventory% in your expression and check if it is the right type of inventory then register two same types:
private Expression<Inventory> inv;
public void execute(Event e) {
    Inventory inv = this.inv.getSingle(e);
    if (inv instanceof CraftingInventory) {
        //Then do your stuffs
The same goes when making an expression, if you return CraftingInventory in getReturnType() method, it will work same way since Skript register its super type.
I have use this ^^

    protected void execute(Event e) {

        if (inv.getSingle(e).getType() == InventoryType.WORKBENCH);
            CraftingInventory invc = (CraftingInventory) this.inv.getSingle(e);
Also, in case the CraftingInventory is the bukkit one, you don't need to register it since it is already by Skript with Inventory.
It's more easier to use %inventory% in your expression and check if it is the right type of inventory then register two same types:
private Expression<Inventory> inv;
public void execute(Event e) {
    Inventory inv = this.inv.getSingle(e);
    if (inv instanceof CraftingInventory) {
        //Then do your stuffs
The same goes when making an expression, if you return CraftingInventory in getReturnType() method, it will work same way since Skript register its super type.
Oh, totally forgot about that xD

Last seen Bukkit docs a while ago