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  1. L

    Authme and Skript

    Is there any addon that is compatible with Authme ?. Years ago I created this script that worked with "SharpSK" and "Tuske", but now it tells me that it doesn't recognize these lines. on first join: if {listablanca.ip::%player%} is ip of player: set {listablanca.registro.%player%}...
  2. Spartan9802

    Solved Register new type

    Good evening, I am trying to save a new type (CraftingInventory) but I do not understand how to do: / I looked at several code but none is intuitive for me ....
  3. Spartan9802

    Solved Use all planks in recipe

    Good evening, How to use all types of wood in a recipe register? ^^
  4. R

    Script Mega Auth | Advanced Login System 1.0

    Mega Auth One of the most advanced login skripts out there! This skript provides your server with secure login, custom join table, 100% safety, and more! I made it a little ironic, but nice to players as well. After logging in: "Ahhh, there you are! Nice to see you back!" Also, your players can...