Authme and Skript

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Jan 29, 2017
Is there any addon that is compatible with Authme ?.

Years ago I created this script that worked with "SharpSK" and "Tuske", but now it tells me that it doesn't recognize these lines.

on first join:
    if {listablanca.ip::%player%} is ip of player:
        set {listablanca.registro.%player%} to true
        send player title "<aqua>&l¡Bienvenido!" with subtitle "<light green>- Esperamos que lo pases bien en Exodus -" for 5 seconds
        message "{@prefijos-listablanca-valor} <light blue>Se ha almacenado correctamente tu IP publica."
        set {_pass} to a rounded random number between 100000 to 999999
        force player to register with pass "%{_pass}%"
        wait 2 seconds
        force player to logout
        wait 5 real seconds
        message "{@prefijos-listablanca-valor} <light red>EN UNOS SEGUNDOS SERAS KICKEADO. RECUERDA LA CLAVE DE ACCESO QUE VERAS EN EL MENSAJE."
        wait 5 real seconds
        message "{@prefijos-listablanca-valor} <orange>CAMBIA LA CLAVE TEMPORAL CON <yellow>/changepassword <clave_temporal> <clave_nueva><orange>."
        wait 5 real seconds
        delete {listablanca.registro.%player%}
        kick the player due to "{@kickauthmsg}"
on connect:
    {listablanca.estado} is true
    if {listablanca.aceptados::%player%} is true:
        if {listablanca.ip::%player%} is not set:
            message "{@prefijos-listablanca-valor} <light red>Pide a un administrador que añada tu IP a tu cuenta."
            set {_ipguardada} to {listablanca.ip::%player%}
            wait 1 tick
            set {_ipactual} to ip of player
            wait 1 tick
            if {_ipguardada} = {_ipactual}:
                force player to login
                message "<light green>Bienvenido de nuevo <orange>%player%<light green>, como no has cambiado de IP, no hace falta que te identifiques."
                force player to logout
        kick the player due to "{@kickmsg}"

[10:42:59] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: send player title "<aqua>&l¡Bienvenido!" with subtitle "<light green>- Esperamos que lo pases bien en Exodus -" for 5 seconds (, line 124: send player title "<aqua>&l¡Bienvenido!" with subtitle "<light green>- Esperamos que lo pases bien en Exodus -" for 5 seconds')
[10:42:59] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: force player to register with pass "%{_pass}%" (, line 127: force player to register with pass "%{_pass}%"')
[10:42:59] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: force player to logout (, line 129: force player to logout')
[10:42:59] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: force player to login (, line 150: force player to login')
[10:42:59] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: force player to logout (, line 154: force player to logout')
Is there any addon that is compatible with Authme ?.

Years ago I created this script that worked with "SharpSK" and "Tuske", but now it tells me that it doesn't recognize these lines.

on first join:
    if {listablanca.ip::%player%} is ip of player:
        set {listablanca.registro.%player%} to true
        send player title "<aqua>&l¡Bienvenido!" with subtitle "<light green>- Esperamos que lo pases bien en Exodus -" for 5 seconds
        message "{@prefijos-listablanca-valor} <light blue>Se ha almacenado correctamente tu IP publica."
        set {_pass} to a rounded random number between 100000 to 999999
        force player to register with pass "%{_pass}%"
        wait 2 seconds
        force player to logout
        wait 5 real seconds
        message "{@prefijos-listablanca-valor} <light red>EN UNOS SEGUNDOS SERAS KICKEADO. RECUERDA LA CLAVE DE ACCESO QUE VERAS EN EL MENSAJE."
        wait 5 real seconds
        message "{@prefijos-listablanca-valor} <orange>CAMBIA LA CLAVE TEMPORAL CON <yellow>/changepassword <clave_temporal> <clave_nueva><orange>."
        wait 5 real seconds
        delete {listablanca.registro.%player%}
        kick the player due to "{@kickauthmsg}"
on connect:
    {listablanca.estado} is true
    if {listablanca.aceptados::%player%} is true:
        if {listablanca.ip::%player%} is not set:
            message "{@prefijos-listablanca-valor} <light red>Pide a un administrador que añada tu IP a tu cuenta."
            set {_ipguardada} to {listablanca.ip::%player%}
            wait 1 tick
            set {_ipactual} to ip of player
            wait 1 tick
            if {_ipguardada} = {_ipactual}:
                force player to login
                message "<light green>Bienvenido de nuevo <orange>%player%<light green>, como no has cambiado de IP, no hace falta que te identifiques."
                force player to logout
        kick the player due to "{@kickmsg}"

[10:42:59] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: send player title "<aqua>&l¡Bienvenido!" with subtitle "<light green>- Esperamos que lo pases bien en Exodus -" for 5 seconds (, line 124: send player title "<aqua>&l¡Bienvenido!" with subtitle "<light green>- Esperamos que lo pases bien en Exodus -" for 5 seconds')
[10:42:59] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: force player to register with pass "%{_pass}%" (, line 127: force player to register with pass "%{_pass}%"')
[10:42:59] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: force player to logout (, line 129: force player to logout')
[10:42:59] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: force player to login (, line 150: force player to login')
[10:42:59] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: force player to logout (, line 154: force player to logout')
The skript might be using outdated syntax, this sort of stuff happens with Skript over time when syntax updates.
What I would do is make a custom AuthMe, I'll make it for you if you'd like.
Thanks, it solved it by changing the effects of "SharpSK" by commands.

        set {_pass} to a rounded random number between 100000 to 999999
        make player execute command "register %{_pass}% %{_pass}%"

Now, in this part of the code, why does it only show the first value of "loop-index"?

        else if arg-1 is "lista":
            loop {listablanca.aceptados::*}:
                add loop-index to {_lbtemp::*}
                message "{@prefijos-listablanca-valor} Jugadores en la Lista Blanca:"
                message "%{_lbtemp::*}%"

It is the "white list" list, but only show me the first player in the list.
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