
Script Trading 1.0.0

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Jan 24, 2017
location of "LimeGlass" parsed as player
LimeGlass submitted a new resource:

Trading - A basic and highly configurable trading system.

This script is designed to make trading simple and easy for the user without the worry of someone stealing your items on trading. This system secures that your players have a safe trade and no scamming.

* /Trade (PlayerName) - Requests a trade with the designated player
* /Trade Accept - Accepts the current trade request
* /Trade Deny- Declines the current trade request

Only one permission to actually allow trading...

Read more about this resource...
I think it looks A-OK, but the cancel should be in the middle where the gray is, I think it looks.. uhm.. weird.
shift + right click trade:

on right click on entity:
    if entity is a player:
        player is sneaking
        if {trading::temp::player::%event-player%::request} isn't set:
            if {trading::temp::player::%event-entity%::request} isn't set:
                execute event-player command "/trade %event-entity%"
                if {trading::temp::player::%event-entity%::request} is set:
                    execute event-player command "/trade accept"
                    execute event-entity command "/trade accept"
            if {trading::temp::player::%event-entity%::request} isn't set:
                execute event-entity command "/trade accept"
                execute event-player command "/trade accept"
I added trade.use to luckperms permissions for everyone, but it still tells me i don't have permission to trade a player...
This is a several-year-old thread. Please make a post in the Skript Help section of these forums referencing this resource. Furthermore, this is a very old skript, it may not work with more recent versions and addons (a quick run through the skunity parser proves that).
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This is a several-year-old thread. Please make a post in the Skript Help section of these forums referencing this resource. Furthermore, this is a very old skript, it may not work with more recent versions and addons (a quick run through the skunity parser proves that). You--and the person above you--are necroposting.
Isn't this a discussion about the plugin though???
Isn't this a discussion about the plugin though???
What I mean is, this skript is old and likely isn't active, so bumping it up to the top of a forum like this isn't always smart. I realize I've been a little uptight about it but either way, this skript is old and likely won't work anymore.