Teleport GUI

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May 31, 2017
So I tried this code:
on click with a clock:
    name of tool is "&bTeleport":
        open chest with 3 rows named "&cTeleport" to the player
        wait a tick
        set {_s} to 0
        loop all players in player's world:
            if loop-player is not player:
                format slot {_s} of player with loop-player's skull named "&6%loop-player%" to close then run [make player execute command "/tp %loop-player%"]
                add 1 to {_s}

But somehow every skullthat I click on it teleports me to the same player again and again...
"That's because of a bug with format slot and loops, you should use TuSKe's GUI Manager or set slot + inventory click in this case."

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"That's because of a bug with format slot and loops, you should use TuSKe's GUI Manager or set slot + inventory click in this case."

Ok, but I don't know how Tuske works and oh boy I tried
on click with a clock:
    name of tool is "&bTeleport":
        open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&cTeleport" to player
        set {_s} to 0
        loop all players in player's world:
            if loop-player is not player:
                create a gui slot {_s} of player with loop-player's skull named "&6%loop-player%" to run player command "/tp loop-player"
                add 1 to {_s}
on click with a clock:
    name of tool is "&bTeleport":
        open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&cTeleport" to player
        set {_s} to 0
        loop all players in player's world:
            if loop-player is not player:
                create a gui slot {_s} of player with loop-player's skull named "&6%loop-player%" to run player command "/tp loop-player"
                add 1 to {_s}
virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&cTeleport"' is not an entity type (, line 10: open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&cTeleport" to player')
[09:00:45 ERROR]: '"&6%loop-player%" to run player' is not a text (, line 14: create a gui slot {_s} of player with loop-player's skull named "&6%loop-player%" to run player command "/tp %loop-player%"')
do you have tuske installed?
[TuSKe] Main commands:
[09:04:10 INFO]: /tuske reload > Reload config/enchantments.
[09:04:10 INFO]: /tuske update > Check for latest update.
[09:04:10 INFO]: /tuske ench > Manage the enchantments.
do you have tuske installed?
Is there like special things I need to do after/before installing it?
[TuSKe] Main commands:
[09:04:10 INFO]: /tuske reload > Reload config/enchantments.
[09:04:10 INFO]: /tuske update > Check for latest update.
[09:04:10 INFO]: /tuske ench > Manage the enchantments.
Is there like special things I need to do after/before installing it?
I think not, i can't help you contiue, because i don't use Tuske, im using Skelett or SkQuery (Im not sure which addon is this)
I think not, i can't help you contiue, because i don't use Tuske, im using Skelett or SkQuery (Im not sure which addon is this)
You mean you use SkQuery Gui menu + Skellett "on inventory click " features?
# Depend: TuSKe.
# Successfully tested w/out any errors.

on right-click with a clock:
    name of tool is "&bTeleport":
        open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&cTeleport" to player
        set {_s} to 0
        loop all players in player's world:
            loop-player isn't player:
                format gui slot {_s} of player with skull of loop-player named "&6%loop-player%" with lore "&7Click to teleport!" to close then run player command "/tp loop-player"
                add 1 to {_s}
# Depend: TuSKe.
# Successfully tested w/out any errors.

on right-click with a clock:
    name of tool is "&bTeleport":
        open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&cTeleport" to player
        set {_s} to 0
        loop all players in player's world:
            loop-player isn't player:
                format gui slot {_s} of player with skull of loop-player named "&6%loop-player%" with lore "&7Click to teleport!" to close then run player command "/tp loop-player"
                add 1 to {_s}
'virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&cTeleport"' is not an entity type (, line 104: open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&cTeleport" to player')
[09:46:45 ERROR]: '"&7Click to teleport!" to close then run player' is not a text (, line 108: format gui slot {_s} of player with skull of loop-player named "&6%loop-player%" with lore "&7Click to teleport!" to close then run player command "/tp loop-player"')
'virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&cTeleport"' is not an entity type (, line 104: open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&cTeleport" to player')
[09:46:45 ERROR]: '"&7Click to teleport!" to close then run player' is not a text (, line 108: format gui slot {_s} of player with skull of loop-player named "&6%loop-player%" with lore "&7Click to teleport!" to close then run player command "/tp loop-player"')
Download TuSKe.
Download TuSKe.
[TuSKe] Main commands:
[09:48:44 INFO]: /tuske reload > Reload config/enchantments.
[09:48:44 INFO]: /tuske update > Check for latest update.
[09:48:44 INFO]: /tuske ench > Manage the enchantments.
[TuSKe] Main commands:
[09:48:44 INFO]: /tuske reload > Reload config/enchantments.
[09:48:44 INFO]: /tuske update > Check for latest update.
[09:48:44 INFO]: /tuske ench > Manage the enchantments.
Maybe you got old version. Do /ver tuske
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