I want to create a sweeping edge particle infront of the player when they click with an iron hoe, but the only way i can find out how to do it is by running it through the player or console and I don't want to turn off sendCommandFeedback.
on rightclick with iron hoe:
cancel event
if name of tool is "&7Iron Scythe":
set {_scytheDamage} to random integer between 1 and 8
set {_scythe} to difference between {scythe.%player%.cooldown} and now
if {_scythe} is less than 10 seconds:
message "&cYou need to wait &r&e&n%difference between 10 seconds and {_scythe}%&r&c before you can use that skill again!"
loop all entities in radius 5 around location of executor:
if loop-entities isn't "%player%":
make player damage loop-entity by {_scytheDamage} # in half hearts
play sound "entity.player.attack.sweep" with volume 1 and pitch 1 at all players for all players
# make player execute command "particle minecraft:sweep_attack ^ ^1 ^0.8"
# show "minecraft:sweep_attack" at %player%
set {scythe.%player%.cooldown} to now
exit loop
on rightclick with iron hoe:
cancel event
if name of tool is "&7Iron Scythe":
set {_scytheDamage} to random integer between 1 and 8
set {_scythe} to difference between {scythe.%player%.cooldown} and now
if {_scythe} is less than 10 seconds:
message "&cYou need to wait &r&e&n%difference between 10 seconds and {_scythe}%&r&c before you can use that skill again!"
loop all entities in radius 5 around location of executor:
if loop-entities isn't "%player%":
make player damage loop-entity by {_scytheDamage} # in half hearts
play sound "entity.player.attack.sweep" with volume 1 and pitch 1 at all players for all players
# make player execute command "particle minecraft:sweep_attack ^ ^1 ^0.8"
# show "minecraft:sweep_attack" at %player%
set {scythe.%player%.cooldown} to now
exit loop