Smelter's pickaxe remake

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on load:
    delete {sword3::*}
    delete {sword2::*}
    delete {sword1::*}
    add "sharpness" and "fire aspect" and "mending" to {sword3::*}
    add "smite" and "fire aspect" and "looting" to {sword2::*}
    add "bane of arthropods" and "Sweeping Edge" to {sword1::*}
    delete {pick3::*}
    delete {pick2::*}
    delete {pick1::*}
    add "efficiency" and "fortune" to {pick3::*}
    add "silk touch" to {pick2::*}
    add "unbreaking" to {pick1::*}
    delete {axe3::*}
    delete {axe2::*}
    delete {axe1::*}
    add "fortune" and "sharpness" to {axe3::*}
    add "efficiency" to {axe2::*}
    add "silk touch" and "unbreaking" to {axe1::*}
    delete {boot3::*}
    delete {boot2::*}
    delete {boot1::*}
    add "frost walker" and "protection" to {boot3::*}
    add "thorns" to {boot2::*}
    add "Depth Strider" and "unbreaking" to {boot1::*}
    delete {helm3::*}
    delete {helm2::*}
    delete {helm1::*}
    add "protection" to {helm3::*}
    add "thorns" to {helm2::*}
    add "respiration" and "unbreaking" to {helm1::*}
    delete {armor3::*}
    delete {armor2::*}
    delete {armor1::*}
    add "protection" to {armor3::*}
    add "thorns" and "blast protection" to {armor2::*}
    add "unbreaking" and "fire protection" to {armor1::*}
    delete {bow3::*}
    delete {bow2::*}
    delete {bow1::*}
    add "power" to {bow3::*}
    add "punch" to {bow2::*}
    add "unbreaking" to {bow1::*}
    delete {tri3::*}
    delete {tri2::*}
    delete {tri1::*}
    add "riptide" to {tri3::*}
    add "loyalty" to {tri2::*}
    add "unbreaking" to {tri1::*}
    delete {cross3::*}
    delete {cross2::*}
    delete {cross1::*}
    add "multishot" to {cross3::*}
    add "piercing" to {cross2::*}
    add "unbreaking" to {cross1::*}

on join:
    if {players::*} does not contain player:
        add player to {players::*}
        set {cob::%player%} to 0
on death:
    if attacker is player:
        if victim is player:
            if {cooldown::%attacker%} is 0:
                add 1 to {cob::%attacker%}
                set {cooldown::%attacker%} to 120
            if {cooldown::%attacker%} is not set:
                add 1 to {cob::%attacker%}
                set {cooldown::%attacker%} to 120
every second:
    loop all players:
        if {cooldown::%loop-player%} is set:
            if {cooldown::%loop-player%} is more than 0:
                remove 1 from {cooldown::%loop-player%}
                set {_cooldown} to "%{cooldown::%loop-player%}% seconds" parsed as a timespan
                send action bar "&L&cCogs: &f%{cob::%loop-player%}% / &cCooldown: &f%{_cooldown}%" to loop-player
                send action bar "&L&cCogs: &f%{cob::%loop-player%}%" to loop-player
            send action bar "&L&cCogs: &f%{cob::%loop-player%}%" to loop-player
command /withdraw [<number>]:
        if {cob::%player%} >= arg-1:
            if arg-1 is not less than or equal to 0:
                set {_num} to arg-1
                set {_num} to {_num} / 3
                set {enchnum::%player%} to rounded {_num}
                set {enchnum2::%player%} to arg-1
                set metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&L&cCog &fEnchanter"
                set slot 0 of metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player to gray stained glass pane named " "
                loop 50 times:
                    set slot loop-value of metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player to gray stained glass pane named " "
                set slot 22 of metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player to enchantment table named "&cClick Here To &aEnchant"
                set slot 13 of metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player to air
                open (metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player) to player
                send "You can not withdraw less than 1 &c&LCog!"
            send "You need more &L&cCogs!"
command /setcogs [<number>]:
    permission: op
        set {cob::%player%} to arg-1
on inventory click:
    if type of event-inventory is anvil inventory:
        cancel event
        close player's inventory
    if type of event-inventory is enchanting table inventory:
        cancel event
        close player's inventory

on inventory click:
    if event-inventory = (metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player):
        if index of event-slot is 22:
            if slot 22 of current inventory of player is a enchantment table:
                if slot 13 of current inventory of player is a sword:
                    set {_item} to slot 13 of current inventory of player
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 2:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {sword1::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 2:
                        if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 4:
                            set {_enchant} to random element out of {sword2::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 4:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {sword3::*}
                if slot 13 of current inventory of player is a pickaxe:
                    set {_item} to slot 13 of current inventory of player
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 2:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {pick1::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 2:
                        if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 4:
                            set {_enchant} to random element out of {pick2::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 4:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {pick3::*}
                if slot 13 of current inventory of player is a axe:
                    set {_item} to slot 13 of current inventory of player
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 2:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {axe1::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 2:
                        if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 4:
                            set {_enchant} to random element out of {axe2::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 4:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {axe3::*}
                if slot 13 of current inventory of player is a helmet:
                    set {_item} to slot 13 of current inventory of player
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 2:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {helm1::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 2:
                        if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 4:
                            set {_enchant} to random element out of {helm2::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 4:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {helm3::*}
                if slot 13 of current inventory of player is boots:
                    set {_item} to slot 13 of current inventory of player
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 2:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {boot1::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 2:
                        if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 4:
                            set {_enchant} to random element out of {boot2::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 4:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {boot3::*}
                if slot 13 of current inventory of player is leggings or chestplate:
                    set {_item} to slot 13 of current inventory of player
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 2:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {armor1::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 2:
                        if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 4:
                            set {_enchant} to random element out of {armor2::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 4:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {armor3::*}
                if slot 13 of current inventory of player is shield:
                    set {_item} to slot 13 of current inventory of player
                    set {_enchant} to "unbreaking"
                if slot 13 of current inventory of player is a trident:
                    set {_item} to slot 13 of current inventory of player
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 2:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {tri1::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 2:
                        if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 4:
                            set {_enchant} to random element out of {tri2::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 4:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {tri3::*}
                if slot 13 of current inventory of player is a bow:
                    set {_item} to slot 13 of current inventory of player
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 2:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {bow1::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 2:
                        if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 4:
                            set {_enchant} to random element out of {bow2::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 4:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {bow3::*}
                if slot 13 of current inventory of player is a crossbow:
                    set {_item} to slot 13 of current inventory of player
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 2:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {cross1::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 2:
                        if {enchnum::%player%} is less than or equal to 4:
                            set {_enchant} to random element out of {cross2::*}
                    if {enchnum::%player%} is more than 4:
                        set {_enchant} to random element out of {cross3::*}
                if slot 13 of current inventory of player is not a axe or a sword or a pickaxe or a shovel or boots or leggings or chestplate or helmet or shield or trident or a bow or a crossbow:
                    cancel event
                remove {enchnum2::%player%} from {cob::%player%}
                if {enchnum::%player%} is less than 1:
                    set {enchnum::%player%} to 1
                send "You got &a%{_enchant}% %{enchnum::%player%}%" to player
                set {_enchant} to "%{_enchant}% %{enchnum::%player%}%" parsed as enchantment type
                enchant {_item} with {_enchant}
                set slot 13 of metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player to {_item}
                set slot 22 of metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player to lime concrete named "&aDone"
                set {close::%player%} to true
                open (metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player) to player
                set {close::%player%} to false
                play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 10 to the player
        if index of event-slot is not 13:
            cancel event
on inventory close:
    if event-inventory = (metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player):
        if slot 13 of current inventory of player is not air:
            if {close::%player%} is false:
                give player slot 13 of current inventory of player
Thats my code, when you kill someone you get a cog, when u do /withdraw [insert how many cogs] you put a enchantable item in the slot and u get a random enchant. Its a bit unbalanced, so can u add a /refund command with a 30 minute cooldown. It removes the latest enchant, and you get ur cogs back. could u do that?