Smelter's pickaxe remake

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Jun 2, 2024
Could someone just remake hoplite's smelter's pickaxe?
(No need for custom texture lol)

It's an iron pickaxe with ef 2 and unbreaking 1 that auto smelts what ever u mine
thats the recipe from a video i found.
haven't tested tell me if you have any problems
on mine:
    event-block is coal ore, deepslate coal ore, iron ore, deepslate iron ore, gold ore, deepslate gold ore, copper ore, or deepslate copper ore
    set {_n} to nbt compound of player's tool
    int tag "Smelter" of {_n} is 1
    gamemode of player is survival
    cancel the item drops
    set {_fortune} to the level of fortune on player's tool
    set {_no_bonus_chance} to 2 / ({_fortune} + 2)
    set {_rand_pick} to a random number between 0 and 1
    set {_num_drops} to 1
    if {_rand_pick} is greater than {_no_bonus_chance}:
        set {_num_drops} to a random integer between 1 and ({_fortune} + 1)
    if event-block is coal ore or deepslate coal ore:
        drop {_num_drops} of coal at event-block
    else if event-block is iron ore or deepslate iron ore:
        drop {_num_drops} of iron ingot at event-block
    else if event-block is gold ore or deepslate gold ore:
        drop {_num_drops} of gold ingot at event-block
    else if event-block is copper ore or deepslate copper ore:
        drop {_num_drops} of copper ingot at event-block
    make 5 of flame particle at location of event-block with offset vector(2, 2, 2)

on load:
  set {_i} to iron pickaxe named "Smelter's Pickaxe"
  set {_n} to nbt compound of {_i}
  set int tag "Smelter" of {_n} to 1
  enchant {_i} with efficiency 2 and unbreaking 1
  register new shaped recipe for {_i} named "Smelter's Pickaxe" using raw iron, raw iron, raw iron, coal, stick, coal, air, stick, and air with id "smelters_pickaxe"
also when i kill a animal it should cook it
sorry didn't see that, add this to the script. also haven't tested so tell me if anything works weird or doesn't work

on death:
    victim is a mob
    attacker is a player
    set {_n} to nbt compound of attacker's tool
    int tag "Smelter" of {_n} is 1
    if victim is a sheep:
        drop 1 cooked mutton at victim's location
    else if victim is a pig:
        drop 1 cooked porkchop at victim's location
    else if victim is a salmon:
        drop 1 cooked salmon at victim's location
    else if victim is a cow:
        drop 1 steak at victim's location
    else if victim is a chicken:
        drop 1 cooked chicken at victim's location
    else if victim is a cod:
        drop 1 cooked cod at victim's location
    else if victim is a rabbit:
        drop 1 cooked rabbit at victim's location
    cancel drops of items
    make 5 of flame particle at location of victim with offset vector(2, 2, 2)