Hey guys, I am a mostly beginner skript user, and I have a problem. If "player1" writes the captcha code, he is able to unlock player2's captcha code too. Can I solve this problem anyhow?
On join:
if player's name is "player1" or "player2":
set {captcha::check} to true
wait 3 seconds
message "&8(&b&lCaptcha&8) &aPlease type your code"
On quit:
if player's name is "player1" or "player2":
set {captcha::check} to false
On chat:
if player's name is "player1" or "player2":
if {captcha::check} is true:
cancel event
if message is "captchatest":
set {captcha::check} to false
message "&8(&b&lCaptcha&8) &aSuccessfully checked"
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