Solved Skript particles aren't generating

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Apr 26, 2024
I made a Skript that will spawn particles in a circle around the player:

command /circleparticles:
        set {_radius} to 5 # Adjust the radius of the circle as needed
        set {_angle} to 0
        loop 36 times:
            wait 2 ticks # Add a delay between particle spawns
            set {_angle} to {_angle} + 10
            set {_radians} to {_angle} * (3.1415926535 / 180) # Convert degrees to radians
            set {_x} to x-position of player + {_radius} * cos({_radians})
            set {_z} to z-position of player + {_radius} * sin({_radians})
            set {_y} to y-position of player # Keep the y-coordinate of the particles the same as the player's y-coordinate
            set {_v} to vector({_x}, {_y}, {_z}) # Create the vector using the x, y, and z coordinates
            # Debugging: Log the particle spawn location
            send "&aParticle spawn location: %{_x}%, %{_y}%, %{_z}%" to console
            send "&aVecotor length: %{_v}%"
            # Draw particle with skBee
            draw 1 dust_color_transition using dustTransition(red, orange, 20) at {_v}
            wait 2 ticks # Add a 5-tick delay between particle spawns

I'm almost certain the math is correct when I look at the consul output but the particles aren't rendering
Try using a different particle and see what happens. The math should be correct but you can also try teleporting the player to {_v} or summoning a mob at {_v} to check. Maybe try raising the Y a little bit?
Try using a different particle and see what happens. The math should be correct but you can also try teleporting the player to {_v} or summoning a mob at {_v} to check. Maybe try raising the Y a little bit?
Interesting.. mobs don't seem to be spawning at the vector, did I maybe create the vector wrong? Maybe I messed up the syntax?
Does it say the vector location in your chat when you send %{_v}%?
It says (and this isn't exact as I can't open mc rn)

vector location: x: 32.1, y: 37.3, z: 48.1

Or something like that I can check on Friday if that doesn't make sense
just rotate a vector around the y axis by a set amount:

command /circleparticles:
        set {_v} to vector from yaw 0 and pitch 90
        set standard length of {_v} to 5
        loop 36 times:
            wait 2 ticks
            draw 1 dust_color_transition using dustTransition(red, orange, 20) at {_v}
            rotate {_v} around y-axis by 9
just rotate a vector around the y axis by a set amount:

command /circleparticles:
        set {_v} to vector from yaw 0 and pitch 90
        set standard length of {_v} to 5
        loop 36 times:
            wait 2 ticks
            draw 1 dust_color_transition using dustTransition(red, orange, 20) at {_v}
            rotate {_v} around y-axis by 9
Not working... maybe its because its set to pitch instead of yaw?

Edit: while this is probably a problem its not causing the particles to stop rendering
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yes you're right
command /circleparticles:
        set {_v} to vector from yaw 90 and pitch 0
        set standard length of {_v} to 5
        set {_loops} to 20
        loop {_loops} times:
            draw 1 dust_color_transition using dustTransition(red, orange, 20) at player's location ~ {_v}
            wait 1 ticks
            rotate {_v} around y-axis by (360 / {_loops})
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ah yes, i did make that error
command /circleparticles:
        set {_v} to vector from yaw 90 and pitch 0
        set standard length of {_v} to 5
        loop 46 times:
            draw 1 dust_color_transition using dustTransition(red, orange, 20) at player's location ~ {_v}
            wait 2 ticks
            rotate {_v} around y-axis by 8
Okay the
at player's location ~ {_v}
seemed to fix the problem
sorry, I had two versions of the skript on my pc and laptop and I sent the wrong one the first time