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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. TheDever

    How can i detect an npc?

    I tried this but it didnt work! on right-click on entity: if event-entity is named "&6Inmate": give player orange wool named "&6BasketBall" sorry about the backround stuff, at the time, my server had 23 players.
  2. Eright

    To detect curls at specific coordinates

    Hi! I am Korean. So I'm using a translator.(I am not good at English) To get to the point, script, curl up at certain coordinates for 3 seconds and "on the move" pops up and lets me move to another coordinate!
  3. F

    1 Error in skript

    hey, so i was codng an levelup command for my server here's the code variables: {levels::1} = "survivor" {levels::2} = "warrior" {levels::3} = "champion" {levels::4} = "guardian" {levels::5} = "elite" {levels::6} = "master" {levels::7} = "hero"...
  4. S13Luke

    How to use the script-placeholders addon?

    Hi everyone I have a problem using the addon script-placeholders I have added it to the server and it runs without any problems However when I do it in the script like this: command /infoname: trigger: send "%player_name%" to player Error occurs Can't understand this expression...

    how to prevent spamming right click to bypass cancel event in skript

    i have this skript: on right click: if {unequip_active} is true: if player's held item is helmet or chestplate or leggings or boots or elytra or shield: cancel event send "&a&lMob&b&lWar &7>>> &cYou Are Not Allowed To Equip Your Armor During The Event!" to player else if player's held item is...
  6. lemonfrenzy_

    Revive skript help

    I'm trying to make a command for "/revive" that revives the player and adds them to an alivelist, its meant to set "{alive::%player%}" to true, but how can i stop it from showing an extra number on the scoreboard for alive players? code below command /revive <player>: permission...
  7. 2

    Use block displays as texture for custom items

    Hello! So I created this custom block display command that I want to use as the texture for a custom bow, how would I use the block display as a texture? Here's the command I created if it's helpful: /summon block_display ~-0.5 ~-0.5 ~-0.5...
  8. 2

    Solved Skript particles aren't generating

    I made a Skript that will spawn particles in a circle around the player: command /circleparticles: trigger: set {_radius} to 5 # Adjust the radius of the circle as needed set {_angle} to 0 loop 36 times: wait 2 ticks # Add a delay between particle spawns...
  9. A

    Semi Anti Cheat Skript - HELP! (simple code)

    i want to make a system that if there is a player have a permission "*" and the name of player is not "Name1", "Name2" or "Name3", it will remove the permission. i make this code, please help. code: every second: if player have permission "*": if name of player is not "Daichi_keii"...
  10. Yushaa

    Can someone make a sword named &dBlade Of Gaia that gains +1 sharpness level per kill?

    Can someone make a sword named &dBlade Of Gaia that gains +1 sharpness level per kill? I also want the sharpness maximum to be 10
  11. S

    There's no player in a periodical event

    Hello, i'm trying to do a scoreboard where it can show your job in a game i'm working on. In my first script I set {job::%player%} as the players job and in script 2 (scoreboard script), i try to use that variable but it gives me an error saying "There's no player in a periodical event". I've...
  12. SkillAura

    Lightning Sword

  13. TheDever

    Tablist Prefixes

    - Problem So i made a tablist skript but i got 2 problems. 1# - It only shows to 1 person in the server. 2# - I don't know how to do the prefix on tablist. Any Help? Here is my skript! ```every second: loop all players: set loop-player's tab list header to "&e%nl%&e&lSPACESSKIES...
  14. S

    See amount of players in world

    Hello, how do I check the amount of player in a world and if it is 8 then start a countdown using titles from 5. Bit of a weird post but I think you guys can help me!
  15. V

    How can i check the inventory for all different heads?

    Hi! Im using the skript version 2.6.4, and i've got this 'problem': if player's inventory contains more than 1 ...: Im curios about, what i should type so it works for every single head in the inventory. Things like "player head" or "minecraft head" doesn't work, so do you guys have any idea...
  16. J

    Use "strike lightning effect at the target" to add variable values when zombies die

    I'm making a script that increases damage by adding values to variables when I kill monsters. My script is to right-click, summon lightning and kill damage The phrase is strike lightning effect at the target block @loop all living entities in radius 5 around target block: @@damage...
  17. I

    Help with custom heads in a GUI

    I tried to use SkStuff using variables didnt help i tried to use mundosk but it just showed errors if someone could help me i would appericiate it.
  18. L

    Killaura Bot Skript Not Working

    I recently searched some skript to spawn a killaura bot around a player to detect if he is cheating. I installed citizens and skellet with npc true in config.yml I don't know how to fix it command /adminbot <player>: trigger: circleBot(arg-1) message "&eChecking %arg-1%!" set...
  19. L

    Can't set a location within a loop

    Skript Version: 2.6 Version: 1.17 Author: Me The code: set {finishinglocation.%loop-player%} to location at {finishinglocationx.%loop-player%} , {finishinglocationy.%loop-player%} , {finishinglocationz.%loop-player%} I've been stuck on this problem for the past day and a bit, searching through...
  20. G

    Solved Grass wont drop custom items

    on break of long grass, fern, large fern or tall grass: cancel drops chance of 100%: drop wheat seeds named "&aSeeds" at event-block The custom seeds are dropped when I break ferns, large ferns, and double tall grass. But nothing happens when I break normal grass. I've tried many...