
Addon skript-mirror 0.19.1

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Hello, i have issue with api of Parties pluigin.
My code:
on script load:
  import "com.alessiodp.parties.utils.api.PartiesAPI"

command /test:
    set {_party} to {PartiesAPI}.getInstance()
    set {_test::*} to {_party}.getPartyOnlinePlayers("TEST")
    send "%{_test::*}%"

Api to this plugin:
Hello, i have issue with api of Parties pluigin.
My code:
on script load:
  import "com.alessiodp.parties.utils.api.PartiesAPI"

command /test:
    set {_party} to {Parties}.getInstance()
    set {_test::*} to {_party}.getPartyOnlinePlayers("TEST")
    send "%{_test::*}%"

Api to this plugin:
That method returns a list. In order to convert it into a list variable, you need to use
set {_test::*} to ...{_party}.getPartyOnlinePlayers("TEST").toArray()
It's still return an internal error.
on script load:
  import "com.alessiodp.parties.utils.api.PartiesAPI"

command /test:
    set {_party} to {PartiesAPI}.getInstance()
    set {_test::*} to {_party}.getPartyOnlinePlayers("TEST").toArray()
    send "%{_test::*}%"

[20:40:44] [Server thread/WARN]: [Skript] No matching method: PartiesAPI#getInstance
i don't understand Parties API.
Posted this on discord earlier today:

Out of curiosity did I do something wrong throughout this? The java reflection portion gave an error ( (The method does exist) ). Not sure if that's because of something I did or whether I should report it. Also, couldn't send the packet to the player.

       import "java.lang.reflect.Field"
       import "java.lang.reflect.Method"
       import "net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayOutBed"
       import "net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.BlockPosition"
       import "org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.entity.CraftPlayer"

       set {_class} to player.getClass()
       broadcast "%{_class}%"
       set {_connection} to {_class}.getMethod("getHandle")
       broadcast "%{_connection}%"

       set {_block} to new {BlockPosition}(floor(x-coordinate of player), floor(y-coordinate of player), floor(z-coordinate of player))
       set {_packet} to new {PacketPlayOutBed}({EID}, {_block})
       set {_connection} to player.getHandle().playerConnection()

       //Also tried (throws a skript can't understand condition error):

       //This tells me that it's not a valid descriptor
       set {_check} to player.getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket({_packet})
It's still return an internal error.
on script load:
  import "com.alessiodp.parties.utils.api.PartiesAPI"

command /test:
    set {_party} to {PartiesAPI}.getInstance()
    set {_test::*} to {_party}.getPartyOnlinePlayers("TEST").toArray()
    send "%{_test::*}%"

[20:40:44] [Server thread/WARN]: [Skript] No matching method: PartiesAPI#getInstance
i don't understand Parties API.
Looks like their API is structured in a weird way. Replace {PartiesAPI}.getInstance() with new {PartiesAPI}()
Posted this on discord earlier today:

Out of curiosity did I do something wrong throughout this? The java reflection portion gave an error ( (The method does exist) ). Not sure if that's because of something I did or whether I should report it. Also, couldn't send the packet to the player.

       import "java.lang.reflect.Field"
       import "java.lang.reflect.Method"
       import "net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayOutBed"
       import "net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.BlockPosition"
       import "org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.entity.CraftPlayer"

       set {_class} to player.getClass()
       broadcast "%{_class}%"
       set {_connection} to {_class}.getMethod("getHandle")
       broadcast "%{_connection}%"

       set {_block} to new {BlockPosition}(floor(x-coordinate of player), floor(y-coordinate of player), floor(z-coordinate of player))
       set {_packet} to new {PacketPlayOutBed}({EID}, {_block})
       set {_connection} to player.getHandle().playerConnection()

       //Also tried (throws a skript can't understand condition error):

       //This tells me that it's not a valid descriptor
       set {_check} to player.getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket({_packet})
skript-mirror is already a reflection addon. You don't need to call Java reflection from skript-mirror. Also, you can't copy-paste java code into skript-mirror. There are a few syntax quirks required due to Skript limitations.
import "net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayOutBed"
import "net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.BlockPosition"

set {_block} to new {BlockPosition}(floor(x-coordinate of player), floor(y-coordinate of player), floor(z-coordinate of player))
set {_packet} to new {PacketPlayOutBed}({EID}, {_block})
set {_connection} to player.getHandle().playerConnection!


set {_check} to player.getHandle().playerConnection!.sendPacket({_packet})
As for your other error, that appears to be an issue with the version of Skript you're using.
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me again :emoji_confounded:

    set {_api} to new {PartiesAPI}()
    send "%{_api}%" #works

    set {_test::*} to {_api}.getPartyName(uuid of player).toString()
    send "%{_test::*}%" #returns <none>

i'm trying alo with {_api}.getPartyName("%uuid of player%").toString() and returns <none>

set {_test::*} to {_api}.getPartyName({_api}.getPartyLeader("TEST")).toString()
this work but i'm want to get a Party Name without name of party XD
{_api}.getPartyLeader("TEST") and %uuid of player% returns the same uuid

i'm import a "java.util.UUID" and trying with UUID.fromString("%uuid of player%') but this doesn't work too
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me again :emoji_confounded:

    set {_api} to new {PartiesAPI}()
    send "%{_api}%" #works

    set {_test::*} to {_api}.getPartyName(uuid of player).toString()
    send "%{_test::*}%" #returns <none>

i'm trying alo with {_api}.getPartyName("%uuid of player%").toString() and returns <none>

set {_test::*} to {_api}.getPartyName({_api}.getPartyLeader("TEST")).toString()
this work but i'm want to get a Party Name without name of party XD
{_api}.getPartyLeader("TEST") and %uuid of player% returns the same uuid
Why are you storing that value in a list variable? It should be a regular variable.
My fault, it does not work anyway.

    set {_api} to new {PartiesAPI}()
    send "%{_api}%" #works
    set {_test} to {_api}.getPartyName(uuid of player).toString()
    send "%{_test}%" #returns <none>

i will try to explain.
on script load:
  import "com.alessiodp.parties.utils.api.PartiesAPI"

command /test:
    set {_api} to new {PartiesAPI}()
    set {_uuid} to {_api}.getPartyLeader("TEST") # only one way to get uuid
    set {_test} to {_api}.getPartyName({_uuid}).toString()
    send "%{_test}%" #works, returns party name

    set {_uuid2} to uuid of player
    set {_test2} to {_api}.getPartyName(uuid of player).toString()
    send "%{_test2}%" #doesn't work, returns <none>

it works for me with "set {_party} to {_api}.getPartyName(player.getUniqueId()).toString()"
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My fault, it does not work anyway.

    set {_api} to new {PartiesAPI}()
    send "%{_api}%" #works
    set {_test} to {_api}.getPartyName(uuid of player).toString()
    send "%{_test}%" #returns <none>

i will try to explain.
on script load:
  import "com.alessiodp.parties.utils.api.PartiesAPI"

command /test:
    set {_api} to new {PartiesAPI}()
    set {_uuid} to {_api}.getPartyLeader("TEST") # only one way to get uuid
    set {_test} to {_api}.getPartyName({_uuid}).toString()
    send "%{_test}%" #works, returns party name

    set {_uuid2} to uuid of player
    set {_test2} to {_api}.getPartyName(uuid of player).toString()
    send "%{_test2}%" #doesn't work, returns <none>
Skript's uuid expression doesn't return a real Java UUID object. Use player.getUniqueId() instead.

Issues like this should show warnings in the console. In the future, it would be helpful if you posted those as well.
Hello i have one problem ...
I would like to detect when a block is moved to an unalloyed land, but I do not understand how my returned my block list :/

on "org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonExtendEvent" with priority 5:
    set {_test::*} to event.getBlocks()
    loop {_test::*}:
btk5h updated skript-mirror with a new update entry:

skript-mirror 0.6.0

  • Allow custom events to be cancelled
  • Automatically convert single-character strings to char, when necessary
  • Add a cast expression (#1)
  • Allow the spread expression to spread collections
  • Add a utility expression for manipulating bits and ranges of bits

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hello i have one problem ...
I would like to detect when a block is moved to an unalloyed land, but I do not understand how my returned my block list :/

on "org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonExtendEvent" with priority 5:
    set {_test::*} to event.getBlocks()
    loop {_test::*}:
With the latest version
on "org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonExtendEvent" with priority 5:
    set {_test::*} to ...event.getBlocks()
    loop {_test::*}:
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with the new version the code will work?
My list will be a list of blocks?
with the new version the code will work?
My list will be a list of blocks?
Yes. Java and Skript have different versions of lists. You must use ...%object% spread expression to convert from Java lists to Skript lists.
Sorry, I'm not on a good understanding, an example please?
Your a is really great, you should create a position in tutorial
Sorry, I'm not on a good understanding, an example please?
Your a is really great, you should create a position in tutorial
In your code, event.getBlocks() returns a Java list. In order to convert it to a Skript list, you must write ...event.getBlocks().