Solved Skript Gui

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Purple Pixel

Sep 23, 2020
Hello Skript community :emoji_grinning:,

I have recently been wanting to create a ban gui on my minecraft server I have over and over again looked through the web so find a solution... Nothing worked. I am pretty sure skript has had a update in the past year that has changed skript chest gui's. So I have come here to look for a answer. Every time I try to reload the file it always says Can't understand this condition/effect. Here is the code:

command /punish [<offlineplayer>]:
permission: gui.punish
permission message: &4Only Mods, Admins, Managers, and Owners Can Use That Command!
cooldown: 5 seconds
cooldown message: &2Please Do Not Spam The Command!
open chest with 3 rows named "&4Ban Gui" to player

Edit: There are tabs there. That is not the problem :emoji_grinning:
Send your codes in a text box, so we can see the actual codes, also I have checked your Skript, I don't recommend using SkQuery since SkQuery's GUI is just this addon's branch feature, I do recommend you to use the Skript addons that mainly focusing on GUI management, I do recommend TuSKe since it is made for a GUI Manager. Also if you can send your error messages in a Pastebin(/Hastebin) I would appreciate it, since there is nothing wrong in your code in my investigation. :emoji_grinning:
Send your codes in a text box, so we can see the actual codes, also I have checked your Skript, I don't recommend using SkQuery since SkQuery's GUI is just this addon's branch feature, I do recommend you to use the Skript addons that mainly focusing on GUI management, I do recommend TuSKe since it is made for a GUI Manager. Also if you can send your error messages in a Pastebin(/Hastebin) I would appreciate it, since there is nothing wrong with your code in my investigation. :emoji_grinning:
Ok, I am sorry for not using the help format since I am new I didn't know about it and I thought that there was a way to open chest gui's in regular skript without having to use any other plugins. Can you please tell me if I am correct? :emoji_grinning:
yes, there is a way to open virtual chests without add-ons IF you have skript versions 2.3+ i believe.
Here is some code that might help you get a base line
#I have no idea how to use permissions, but you can add those later
command /punish [<offlineplayer>]:
    set {BannedPlayer} to arg-1
    set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 6 row with name "Ban Gui"
    set slot 0 of {_gui} to red wool named "&ePerm Ban"
    set slot 1 of {_gui}  to green wool named "&e1 Day Ban"
    open {_gui} to player
on inventory click:
  if name of event-inventory is "Ban Gui":
    if index of event-slot = 0:
      cancel event
      execute console command "ban %{BannedPlayer}%"  
      Send "&eYou have perm banned &4%{BannedPlayer}%"
    if index of event-slot = 1:
      cancel event
                  # You can do what you want with this
yes, there is a way to open virtual chests without add-ons IF you have skript versions 2.3+ i believe.
Here is some code that might help you get a base line
#I have no idea how to use permissions, but you can add those later
command /punish [<offlineplayer>]:
    set {BannedPlayer} to arg-1
    set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 6 row with name "Ban Gui"
    set slot 0 of {_gui} to red wool named "&ePerm Ban"
    set slot 1 of {_gui}  to green wool named "&e1 Day Ban"
    open {_gui} to player
on inventory click:
  if name of event-inventory is "Ban Gui":
    if index of event-slot = 0:
      cancel event
      execute console command "ban %{BannedPlayer}%" 
      Send "&eYou have perm banned &4%{BannedPlayer}%"
    if index of event-slot = 1:
      cancel event
                  # You can do what you want with this
Thank you soo much for this :emoji_grinning:. Do you think I can use this to make a youtube tutorial too? If not that is fine too, but thanks so much :emoji_grinning:
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