Refill chest, barel, shulker

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Dec 17, 2019
Minecraft version: 1.19.4
Skript version: 2..7.3

Addons used: None

Skript type : Skript refill chest

Skript description :

I recently took over my server and I needed to take a skript in hand, it's a chest refill skript, as the name suggests ^^.

However, the things I'd like to see have evolved: from now on, I'd like the skript to have a "rarity" function depending on the list, which is why I've created several lists, and if possible, I'd like the number of items in each list to be random, instead of having 1 dimaond, 2 iron ingot, I'd just like the number to be random.

And I'd also like it to be able to refill chests, barrels and shulkers.

And if there's a way to optimize the skript, I'm not against it.

# Ajout de listes d'objets avec pourcentage de chance
on load:
    delete {random.item.list1::*}
    delete {random.item.list2::*}
    delete {random.item.list3::*}
    delete {random.item.list4::*}
    delete {random.item.list5::*}
    delete {random.item.list6::*}
    delete {random.item.list7::*}
    add 1 diamond to {random.item.list1::*}
    add 2 iron ingot to {random.item.list1::*}
    add 2 leather to {random.item.list2::*}
    add 2 tnt to {random.item.list2::*}
    add 3 gold ingot to {random.item.list3::*}
    add 1 apple to {random.item.list3::*}
    add 2 bread to {random.item.list4::*}
    add 1 fishing rod to {random.item.list4::*}
    add 3 diamond sword to {random.item.list5::*}
    add 2 bow to {random.item.list5::*}
    add 3 iron sword to {random.item.list6::*}
    add 2 iron pickaxe to {random.item.list6::*}
    add 1 diamond block to {random.item.list7::*}
    add 2 emerald to {random.item.list7::*}

command /chest [<text>]:
    permission: chest.use
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "&7&m&l---------------------------"
            message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &b➡ Commandes  :"
            message "&c● &e/chest add &7> Ajouter un coffre"
            message "&c● &e/chest remove &7> Supprimer un coffre"
            message "&c● &e/chest clear &7> Supprimer tous les coffres"
            message "&c● &e/chest refill &7> Refill les coffres"
            message "&cPour ajouter/supprimer un coffre, il faut le regarder et faire la commande"
            message "&7&m&l---------------------------"
            if arg 1 is not "add" or "remove" or "refill" or "clear":
                make player execute command "/chest"
                if arg 1 is "clear":
                    clear {Chest.location::*}
                    message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eVous avez supprimé tous les coffres de la liste"
                if arg 1 is "add":
                    if targeted block is a chest:
                        loop {Chest.location::*}:
                            if loop-value is location of targeted block:
                                message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Le coffre est déjà dans la liste"
                        add location of targeted block to {Chest.location::*}
                        message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eVous avez bien ajouté ce coffre, il y a maintenant &a%size of {Chest.location::*}% &ecoffres"
                        message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Vous devez cibler un coffre"
                if arg 1 is "remove":
                    if targeted block is a chest:
                        loop {Chest.location::*}:
                            if loop-value is location of targeted block:
                                message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eVous avez bien supprimé ce coffre, il y a maintenant &a%size of {Chest.location::*}% &ecoffres"
                                remove location of targeted block from {Chest.location::*}
                        message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Le coffre n'est pas dans la liste"
                        message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Vous devez cibler un coffre"
                if arg 1 is "refill":
                    loop {Chest.location::*}:
                        set {_slot::*} to ""
                        loop 27 times:
                            add loop-number to {_number::*}
                        clear inventory of block at loop-value
                        set {_nbr} to a random number between 3 and 6
                        loop {_nbr} times:
                            set {_rand} to a random integer between 1 and 100
                            set {_chosenList::*} to a random element out of {random.item.list1::*}, {random.item.list2::*}, {random.item.list3::*}, {random.item.list4::*}, {random.item.list5::*}, {random.item.list6::*}, {random.item.list7::*}
                            set {_item} to a random element out of {_chosenList::*}
                            set {_slot} to a random element out of {_number::*}
                            add {_item} to slot ({_slot} - 1) of block at loop-value-1
                        message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eLes &a%size of {Chest.location::*}% &e coffres ont été refill"

I hope my request is clear enough
  • Haha
Reactions: Shroob