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on right click:
  if {artilery.%uuid of player%} is true:
    if {overheat.%uuid of player%} is not set:
      set {overheat.%uuid of player%} to 0
    if {overheat.%uuid of player%} < 5:  # Adjust the overheat limit as needed
      set {guncd} to difference between {gunclick.%player%} and now
      if {guncd} < 0.5 seconds:
        cancel event
      set {gunclick.%player%} to now
      set {reloading.%player%} to false
      shoot a fireball from player at speed 2.5
      play sound "entity.generic.explode" from master category at volume 2 with pitch 2 at player's location
      add 1 to {overheat.%uuid of player%}
      # Construct overheat bar
      set {_overheatBar} to "&8[&c|||||&8]" # Default full overheat bar
      if {overheat.%uuid of player%} >= 1:
        set {_overheatBar} to "&8[&c|&8||||]"
      if {overheat.%uuid of player%} >= 2:
        set {_overheatBar} to "&8[&c||&8|||]"
      if {overheat.%uuid of player%} >= 3:
        set {_overheatBar} to "&8[&c|||&8||]"
      if {overheat.%uuid of player%} >= 4:
        set {_overheatBar} to "&8[&c||||&8|]"
      if {overheat.%uuid of player%} >= 5:
        set {_overheatBar} to "&8[&c|||||&8]"
      send {_overheatBar} to player
      wait 5 seconds
      # Update overheat bar during cooldown
      repeat 5 times:
        wait 1 second
        if {overheat.%uuid of player%} == 0:
          send "&8[&c|||||&8]" to player
        if {overheat.%uuid of player%} == 1:
          send "&8[&c||||&8|&8]" to player
        if {overheat.%uuid of player%} == 2:
          send "&8[&c|||&8||&8]" to player
        if {overheat.%uuid of player%} == 3:
          send "&8[&c||&8|||&8]" to player
        if {overheat.%uuid of player%} == 4:
          send "&8[&c|&8||||]" to player
      remove 5 from {overheat.%uuid of player%}
      send "Cooldown complete. Overheat counter: %{overheat.%uuid of player%}%/5" to player
      play sound "entity.ghast.scream" from master category at volume 2 with pitch 1 at player's location
      send "Your artillery is overheating! Please wait a moment before firing again." to player
so everythign works execpt when its counting down it goes crazy can anyone help?