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New Member
May 24, 2021
on damage:
    damage cause is void:
        teleport victim at location at (-474, 5, -307)
        wait 5 ticks
        heal victim
        broadcast "&c%victim% &6was thrown into the void while holding &c%victim's held item%"
        broadcast "&c%victim%'s &4&litem &6was removed."
        remove %victim's held item% from victim
I think the heal event was did wrong, it should look something like this:

on damage:
damage cause is void:
teleport victim at location at (-474, 5, -307)
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/effect give %victim% instant_health 1 20"
broadcast "&c%victim% &6was thrown into the void while holding &c%victim's held item%" ## not sure if that is a valid variable
broadcast "&c%victim%'s &4&litem &6was removed."
execute console command "/clear %victim% %victim's held item%"

If this doesen't work, it might need tweaking.
I think the heal event was did wrong, it should look something like this:

on damage:
damage cause is void:
teleport victim at location at (-474, 5, -307)
wait 5 ticks
execute console command "/effect give %victim% instant_health 1 20"
broadcast "&c%victim% &6was thrown into the void while holding &c%victim's held item%" ## not sure if that is a valid variable
broadcast "&c%victim%'s &4&litem &6was removed."
execute console command "/clear %victim% %victim's held item%"

If this doesen't work, it might need tweaking.
i meant the cleard oesnt work.
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