So im using a skript from Obey0001 which is a scoreboard, aka the file i uploaded and im trying to make it so it shows the playtime in the scoreboard.
I aleady have a playtime skript but it only does the command. Any helps?
Code of the playtime skript since i dont wanna upload the file as well:
every second:
loop all players:
add 1 to {s::%loop-player's uuid%}
if {s::%loop-player's uuid%} > 59:
remove 60 from {s::%loop-player's uuid%}
add 1 to {m::%loop-player's uuid%}
if {m::%loop-player's uuid%} > 59:
remove 60 from {m::%loop-player's uuid%}
add 1 to {h::%loop-player's uuid%}
if {h::%loop-player's uuid%} > 23:
remove 24 from {h::%loop-player's uuid%}
add 1 to {d::%loop-player's uuid%}
command /playtime [<offlineplayer>]:
arg isn't set:
wait 1 tick
send ""
send "&f&l YOUR PLAYTIME (&7&l%player%&f)"
send ""
send "&f&l SECONDS:&7 %{s::%player's uuid%}%"
send "&f&l MINUTES:&7 %{m::%player's uuid%}%"
send "&f&l HOURS:&7 %{h::%player's uuid%}%"
send "&f&l DAYS:&7 %{d::%player's uuid%}%"
send ""
wait 1 tick
send ""
send "&f&l PLAYTIME OF &7&l%arg%"
send ""
send "&f&l SECONDS:&7 %{s::%arg's uuid%}%"
send "&f&l MINUTES:&7 %{m::%arg's uuid%}%"
send "&f&l HOURS:&7 %{h::%arg's uuid%}%"
send "&f&l DAYS:&7 %{d::%arg's uuid%}%"
send ""
I aleady have a playtime skript but it only does the command. Any helps?
Code of the playtime skript since i dont wanna upload the file as well:
every second:
loop all players:
add 1 to {s::%loop-player's uuid%}
if {s::%loop-player's uuid%} > 59:
remove 60 from {s::%loop-player's uuid%}
add 1 to {m::%loop-player's uuid%}
if {m::%loop-player's uuid%} > 59:
remove 60 from {m::%loop-player's uuid%}
add 1 to {h::%loop-player's uuid%}
if {h::%loop-player's uuid%} > 23:
remove 24 from {h::%loop-player's uuid%}
add 1 to {d::%loop-player's uuid%}
command /playtime [<offlineplayer>]:
arg isn't set:
wait 1 tick
send ""
send "&f&l YOUR PLAYTIME (&7&l%player%&f)"
send ""
send "&f&l SECONDS:&7 %{s::%player's uuid%}%"
send "&f&l MINUTES:&7 %{m::%player's uuid%}%"
send "&f&l HOURS:&7 %{h::%player's uuid%}%"
send "&f&l DAYS:&7 %{d::%player's uuid%}%"
send ""
wait 1 tick
send ""
send "&f&l PLAYTIME OF &7&l%arg%"
send ""
send "&f&l SECONDS:&7 %{s::%arg's uuid%}%"
send "&f&l MINUTES:&7 %{m::%arg's uuid%}%"
send "&f&l HOURS:&7 %{h::%arg's uuid%}%"
send "&f&l DAYS:&7 %{d::%arg's uuid%}%"
send ""