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  1. L

    Team Leaderboard HELP PLEASE

    So for the past few weeks i have been trying to work on a mcc and blockwars team like system, i need a way to detect which team is in first, second third, and etc with its name and amount of coins that team has then it needs to be displayed on a scoreboard. my main problem is detecting the teams...
  2. _tud

    Addon skript-scoreboards v1.0.2

    skript-scoreboards skript-scoreboards is an addon that allows you to create and manage packet-based scoreboards easily. Features - Packet-based scoreboards - Per player scoreboards - Scoreboards with shared viewers - No character limit on lines - Support for custom line scores (Minecraft...
  3. cps77

    How to calculate total experience and show it on scoreboard

    I want to know how to show player's total experience on scoreboard like this: every 1 second: @loop all players: @@wipe loop-player's sidebar @@set name of sidebar of loop-player to "server" @@set score "total experience : (total xp of player)/(max xp in player's level)" in sidebar of...
  4. cps77

    How should I put player's total experience in the scoreboard?

    I want to know how to put player's total experience and level in the scoreboard like this: every 1 second: @loop all players: @@set score "your experience point : %{total.loop-player}%/%{max.loop-player}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 1 (%{max.loop-player}% means max amount of experience point...
  5. DiamondHudson

    Scoreboards are not working

    Okay so basically the scoreboard skript is reloading perfectly but I tried skRayfall and skBee's scoreboards and none seem to work, well they do I guess (if you count reloading) but none seem to show to the player. MORE INFORMATION: - I have Skquery, Skrayfall, and Skbee but I disabled fast...
  6. C

    List of players with most deaths descending

    Hi, I have a skript which counts player's deaths and I wanted to add a command and if possible a scoreboard showing 5 players with most deaths descending. Here is my script: on join: if {%player%.deaths} is not set: set {%player%.deaths} to 0 on death: if victim is a...
  7. xWires

    Solved Making a scoreboard

    Hello! I need to make a scoreboard that is different for each player. I used this code previously but it isn't working anymore. Can someone help me fix this code? every 2 second: loop all players: wipe loop-player's sidebar set name of sidebar of loop-player to...
  8. A

    scoreboard glitch

    hi, im having problems with my scoreboard its buggy and glitching out. Can someone help me with this? my code is this: every 1 second: loop all players: set {_online} to number of all players set name of sidebar of loop-players to "&6&l&n&e&l&nG&6&l&nradeUpWards" wait...
  9. N

    (solved) Need Help with level/scoreboard script

    need help with my leveling skript and scoreboard script level system: variables: {level::%player%} = 1 {max::%player%} = 10 {xp::%player%} = 0 on chat: set message format to "&7[&a%{level::%player%}%&7] %player's prefix%%player's displayname%: %message%" on death: if...
  10. S

    ScoreBoard No work, help.

    What the problem?: The scoreboard no show up. Script: on join: if {deaths::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {deaths::%player's uuid%} to 0 if {kills::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {kills::%player's uuid%} to 0 while player is online: set title of...
  11. R

    scoreboard for variable

    hey, can someone help me putting scoreboard "points" as a variable? basically i want to do a top 5 killers, so that would be kinda hard ig?
  12. T

    Scoreboard doesnt appear

    Hello, I have a problem, in my server the scoreboard doesnt appear and I have tested a lot of scoreboards. The code has no error and in other servers that I have with other MC version and addons It works fine I have paperspigot 1.12.2 and skript 2.6.3 with skquery 4.1.3, skrayfall 1.9.21, skbee...
  13. T

    Solved Scoreboard help

    There are no errors in this skript it simply doesn't show a scoreboard: Can anyone help? every 1 second: loop all players: wipe loop-player's sidebar set name of sidebar of loop-player to "Server" set score "&7&m-------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  14. L

    Need help with setting variable to scoreboard value

    Hi, I'm really new to Skript and I am having some trouble trying to figure out how to assign a numerical scoreboard value to a variable. Here is my code: on rightclick: if held item is a diamond pickaxe with custom model data 1: set {Team} to the 1st line of lore of item...
  15. Jake

    Skript [SkBee] Easy Tutorial for Scoreboards!

    Hello! If you're reading this tutorial then you probably need help making a scoreboard, don't worry, I'll teach you step by step how to make a clean Scoreboard without flickering. IMPORTANT INFO REQUIREMENTS: Skript, SkBee List of plugins needed if you want the scoreboard to have...
  16. M

    how to get rid of the $

    ok so im trying to get rid of the $ in the playerbalance on the scorebord can anyone help? every 5 seconds: loop all players: wipe loop-player's sidebar set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&f✧&dManokoRPG&f✧" set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 10 set...
  17. B

    Scoreboard sharing?

    I want each person to see a name. However, only one person's name is visible to everyone. every 1 tick: loop all players: wipe loop-player's sidebar set name of sidebar of loop-player to "test" set score "&f%name of loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 1 I...
  18. T

    I wanna round off numbers

    I wanna round off this variable {money::%player%} this is my code set line 10 of player's scoreboard to "%round {money::%player%} to 2 decimals% &7●&aMoney: &c€1k"
  19. Z

    Hunger Games scoreboard

    Hi, I started to use skript today, and I know just a little bit of skript basics. I would like to know how to make scoreboard with total kills/players left/world border shrinking/round killingspree. After you die you lose your killingspree stats. I learn much better when I look at the code, and...
  20. D

    Scoreboard SkQuery Skript Won't Work

    command /board: permission: is.staff trigger: display scoreboard named "&6&lWAR&e&lFAIR" to player make score "&8--------------" in scoreboard of player to 8 make score "&f" in scoreboard of player to 7 make score "%player%" in scoreboard of player to 6...