
Particles BETA 1.0

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I'm Poppy
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skUnity Legend
Nov 27, 2016
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BaeFell submitted a new resource:

Particles - Umbaska 3 Particles Module


Particles - a Module for Umbaska 3
Created by @Sashie for Umbaska 3, we present to you, the Particles Module. The Particles Module allows you to quickly, easily and creatively create particles within Skript.

The Particles Module employs similar techniques from skDragon but have been improved upon and optimised through Umbaska.

Got that particle effect just the way you want it?
Don't like where you put...

Read more about this resource...
To anyone wanting an example..

command /dot:
       register new particle effect heart of flame id "%player%"
       set particle effect location of "%player%" to location of player
       set particle effect tick delay of "%player%" to 0
       set {_test} to particle effect location of "%player%"
       broadcast "%{_test}%"
       start particle effect "%player%"
       wait 10 seconds
       stop particle effect "%player%"

This module is still in development but you can try using this..
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Reactions: BaeFell
To anyone wanting an example..

command /dot:
       register new particle effect heart of flame id "%player%"
       set particle effect location of "%player%" to location of player
       set particle effect tick delay of "%player%" to 0
       set {_test} to particle effect location of "%player%"
       broadcast "%{_test}%"
       start particle effect "%player%"
       wait 10 seconds
       stop particle effect "%player%"

This module is still in development but you can try using this..
So this is basically skDragon except the syntax is put on multiple lines instead of being on one super long line?
So this is basically skDragon except the syntax is put on multiple lines instead of being on one super long line?
that is essentially what it is yes, these effects would ahve the ability to be moved during play without needing to be stopped the retarted
but i never finished making this ^.^