MundoSK Packets

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hey i try to do this:
command /re:
        set {_packet} to new play_server_set_cooldown packet
        set int pnum 0 of {_packet} to 351:11 # and 388
        set int pnum 1 of {_packet} to 10
        send player packet {_packet}

like in this thread
Can you help me please?
For this I don't think you can have the :11, so you have to make 351:11 into just 351, and for 388 you can make another packet.
For this I don't think you can have the :11, so you have to make 351:11 into just 351, and for 388 you can make another packet.

But if i write 388 or any integer (=to an ID) this code does not work :/

i try this :
on packet event play_server_set_cooldown:
    set {_t} to int pnum 0 of event-packet
    set {_2} to int pnum 1 of event-packet
    broadcast "%{_t}% %{_2}%"

and {_t} is the cooldown in ticks (tested with an enderpearl), but {_2} is <none>, so i need to find the material syntax

I have found this
but i'm not a Java Dev :/
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But if i write 388 or any integer (=to an ID) this code does not work :/

i try this :
on packet event play_server_set_cooldown:
    set {_t} to int pnum 0 of event-packet
    set {_2} to int pnum 1 of event-packet
    broadcast "%{_t}% %{_2}%"

and {_t} is the cooldown in ticks (tested with an enderpearl), but {_2} is <none>, so i need to find the material syntax

I have found this
but i'm not a Java Dev :/
"item" pinfo 0 of %packet%
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"item" pinfo 0 of %packet%
It's Working ! THX
on sneak toggle:
    if player is sneaking:
        set {_packet} to new play_server_set_cooldown packet
        set "item" pinfo 0 of {_packet} to emerald
        set int pnum 0 of {_packet} to 60
        send player packet {_packet}
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Reactions: Tlatoani
I get error!

Spigot version is 1.12
ProtocolLib version is 4.3.0
MundoSK version is 1.7.5-BETA.8.41

command /test:
        set {_player} to player
        set {_loc} to location of targeted block
        set {_packet} to new PLAY_CLIENT_BLOCK_CHANGE packet
        set location pinfo 0 of {_packet} to {_loc}
        set blockdata pinfo 1 of {_packet} to emerald block
        send {_player} packet {_packet}
I get error!

Spigot version is 1.12
ProtocolLib version is 4.3.0
MundoSK version is 1.7.10

command /test:
        set {_player} to player
        set {_loc} to location of targeted block
        set {_packet} to new PLAY_CLIENT_BLOCK_CHANGE packet
        set location pinfo 0 of {_packet} to {_loc}
        set blockdata pinfo 1 of {_packet} to emerald block
        send {_player} packet {_packet}
There is no MundoSK version 1.7.10.
Same get same error.

Which versions of plug-ins should I use to run the PLAY_CLIENT_BLOCK_CHANGE package in version 1.12?
Same get same error.

Which versions of plug-ins should I use to run the PLAY_CLIENT_BLOCK_CHANGE package in version 1.12?
These versions should be good for that packet. Do other packets work on your server or not?
I used SkQuery for client block change.
Thanks for everything.
set {_packet} to new play_server_entity_metadata packet
this does not work in 1.12
I have a question that I was told has to do with packets: I want the damage sound to be changed to the "CLICK" sound. I want it changed to that, or removed and playing that sound to the attacker. I have no clue how to use packets as I am totally confused after reading the tutorial. If someone can help me here, that would be great. Thanks
hi i need help how i can use the event
i try to do
on packet event Play_server_START_DESTROY_BLOCK:
broadcast "BLOCK_DIG"
on packet event START_DESTROY_BLOCK:
broadcast "BLOCK_DIG"

the dont work

the event at
The EnumWrappers class is a list of enums that a packet can contain, not of packettypes themselves. For the list of packettypes you need to go to the PacketType class: