[Need Help] Checking NBT of block with SkStuff

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Aug 28, 2017
I'm pretty new to Skript, so I need some help.

What I'm trying to do is to check the NBT tags of a block with the on break event.
I saw "NBT of an entity, block or item" in SkStuff, but it seems to only work when you're adding/removing a tag from an entity/block.

Basically, I want to add custom drops for spawners in the world(like blaze spawner drop some blaze rod, zombie spawner drop some flesh or potato)

Any help?

Some info:
1) When I set a variable to the block's NBT tag and send it out in chat, it show's something like this: {MaxNearbyEntities:4s,......,Weight:1}]} (too long, so I use ... instead)

Script used:
on break of mob_spawner:
set {_tag} to nbt of event-block
send "%{_tag}%"

2) if I compare the variable with the block's NBT(both are the same since the variable is the block's NBT), it throws me an error. I guess this is the problem of NBT tags aren't strings
Nope, it's so random actually. Sometimes I get invalid item data type, sometimes it doesn't understand my Comparison

Edit: I will try to reproduce as many error as possible
on break of mob_spawner:
set {_tag} to nbt of event-block
if %{_tag}% is nbt of event-block:
send "it's the same"

Error: Can't compare '%{_tag}%' with a types.compound
Oh yea, why did I miss that one. But I still have another problem

Im now checking only the SpawnData of the mob spawner.

set {_tag} to tag "SpawnData" of nbt of event-block
if {_tag} is {id:"minecraft:blaze"}:
#do something here

error: ':"minecraft:blaze"}' is not a valid item data

what about this one?
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