Hi. I just recently started to learn how to make a special kind of tablist:
Using Mundosk.
But. I wanted to color some of the "player heads" like this:
I have tried a variety of ways. My method was to change my skin into a solid color. Then save my own skin in a file or variable. Then later on I could use the variable/file to set the skin on. But it just can't see it as a skin.
Here is my code (Note: This is in danish):
And the code when I tried to load on the skin:
I know in the first line of code I set the variable to "%player's skin%". And it would have worked fine if I was able to use player's skin instead of "%player's skin%". But it doesn't seem to be able to save my actual skin in a file or global variable. What I mean by that is that if I use the variable {_Test} it works since it doesn't save into the variables file in the skripts folder. Does anyone know how to put the skin on? (Without actually having the skin)
Please note that I use spigot 1.8.8
Using Mundosk.
But. I wanted to color some of the "player heads" like this:
I have tried a variety of ways. My method was to change my skin into a solid color. Then save my own skin in a file or variable. Then later on I could use the variable/file to set the skin on. But it just can't see it as a skin.
Here is my code (Note: This is in danish):
command /savecolor [<text>] [<text>]:
permission: M-Ejer
permission message: &4Du har ikke adgang til denne kommando.
if arg-1 is not set:
send "&c&lFARVE &c/SaveColor &7Add <Farve>"
send "&c&lFARVE &c/SaveColor &7Fjern <Farve>"
send "&c&lFARVE &c/SaveColor &7List"
if arg-1 is "List":
if size of {SaveColors::*} is greater than 0:
send ""
set {_N} to 0
loop {SaveColors::*}:
add 1 to {_N}
send "&a%{_N}%. &e%loop-value%"
send ""
send "&7Der er ialt &a%{_N}%&7 oprettede farver!"
send "&c&lFARVE &cDer er ingen oprettede farver."
if arg-2 is set:
if arg-1 is "Add" or "Tilføj" or "Opret":
if {SaveColor.%arg-2%} is not set:
set {SaveColor.Skin.%arg-2%} to "%player's skin%"
add arg-2 to {SaveColors::*}
send "&c&lFARVE &7Du oprettede farven &a%arg-2%&7!"
set {SaveColor.%arg-2%} to arg-2
send "&c&lFARVE &cDenne farve er allerede oprettet!"
if arg-1 is "Remove" or "Fjern" or "Slet":
if {SaveColor.%arg-2%} is set:
send "&c&lFARVE &7Du fjernede farven &a%{SaveColor.%arg-2%}%&7!"
delete {SaveColor.%arg-2%}
delete {SaveColor.Skin.%arg-2%}
remove arg-2 from {SaveColors::*}
send "&c&lFARVE &cDenne farve er ikke oprettet!"
send "&c&lFARVE &cUkendt argument!"
send "&c&lFARVE &c/SaveColor &7Add <Farve>"
send "&c&lFARVE &c/SaveColor &7Fjern <Farve>"
send "&c&lFARVE &c/SaveColor &7List"
command /test:
set icon of tab 4, 20 for players to {SaveColor.<Color>}
Please note that I use spigot 1.8.8