Lots of issues...

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Jul 9, 2020
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Skript Version (do not put latest): Minehut version
Skript Author: Myself
Minecraft Version: 1.16

Note: Ok, so I have a skript thats supposed to allow people to do /gun to get a gun, /ammo (tier) (amount) to get the ammo (only 1st tier atm). Its supposed to allow you to shoot once, then make you reload by dropping it. At the moment, it just allows people to reload once on join, then be able to continue shooting. Some errors do not even display.
command /gun:
    permission: guns.test
        set {gun} to iron ingot named "&cTest Gun" with lore "&7Some text about the making of || this blah blah"
        give {gun} to the player
command /ammo [<integer>] [<integer>]:
    permission: guns.ammo
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "&cPlease specify a number between 1 and 3"
        if arg 1 is not "1" "2" "3":
            message "&cPlease specify a number between 1 and 3"          
        if arg 1 is "1":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                give player 64 gold ingots
                give player %arg 2% gold ingots

on drop:
    if event-item is iron ingot:
        cancel event
        if {reload} is false:
            if player has {t1ammo}:
                message "&cReloading..."
                execute console command "/playsound minecraft:block.basalt.break ambient %player%"
                remove 1 gold ingot from player's inventory
                wait 30 ticks
                message "&2Reloaded!"
                set {reload} to true
                message "&fPlease get tier 1 ammo by &lopening crates or locating airdrops"
        else if {reload} is true:
            message "&4Your gun is already loaded"


on rightclick:
    cancel event
    if {reload} is true:
        player is holding iron ingot
        shoot arrow from player at speed 3
        show mob spawner flames when arrow is shot
        execute console command "/playsound minecraft:block.basalt.break ambient %player%"
        cancel event
        message "&cPlease reload by pressing the letter q"

on damage:
   set {dheath} to health of victim
   send "&cYour opponents health is at ❤%{dheath}%" to the attacker

on load:
    set {t1ammo} to gold ingot
on join:
    set {reload} to false

Errors (2 of them are because I don't have skdragon)

View attachment 5012

Addons using:
Skbee, Skelet, skquery,vixo

Have you tried searching the docs? No
Have you tried searching the forums? Some
What other methods have you tried to fix it? I tried to rewrite the code a little bit and cleared up a lot of errors.
Regarding the first two problems, you cannot use quotes when you check a number argument. And that sentence is not adequate for what you are looking for. Try this:
command /ammo [<integer>] [<integer>]:
    permission: guns.ammo
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "&cPlease specify a number between 1 and 3"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 1 is 1 or 2 or 3:
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    give player 64 gold ingots
                    give player %arg 2% gold ingots
                send "&cPlease specify a number between 1 and 3"
And could you explain to me what you thought this code was doing?
show mob spawner flames when arrow is shot
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