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Jan 15, 2019
Hello. I have a Problem i want to make a Rainbow wool that is on your head and this is the code

if arg 1 is "White woole":
equip player with White wool
send "&cR&6e&eg&2e&3n&1b&5o&cg&6e&en &2W&3o&1l&5l&ce &7gewählt"
wait 10 tick
loop 10000000000000000000000 times:
equip palyer with 35:1
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:5
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:4
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:3
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:2
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:9
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:

my problem now is i want to make more hats but everytime i equip the other hat the rainbow wool comes because of the loop how can i cancel the loop by executing an other command like if i equip the Wool and then an other hat the loop stops. thanks for your help
I would recommend using a while loop rather than looping 10000000000000000000000 times
while <condition>:
I would recommend using a while loop rather than looping 10000000000000000000000 times
while <condition>:
What do i enter in the condition part ?

because this isnt working
command /hut [<text>]:
if arg 1 is "Melone":
equip player with melon block
send "{@Hüte} Du hast den Hut &8'&9%arg 1%&8' &7gewählt"
if arg 1 is "Taucher":
equip player with glass
send "{@Hüte} Du hast den Hut &8'&9%arg 1%&8' &7gewählt"
while arg 1 is "Stein":
equip player with White wool
wait 10 tick
equip palyer with 35:1
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:5
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:4
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:3
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:2
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:9
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:1
Last edited:
while true:
The thing is now my code looks so

command /hut [<text>]:
if arg 1 is "Melone":
equip player with melon block
send "{@Hüte} Du hast den Hut &8'&9%arg 1%&8' &7gewählt"
if arg 1 is "Taucher":
equip player with glass
send "{@Hüte} Du hast den Hut &8'&9%arg 1%&8' &7gewählt"
while true:
equip player with White wool
wait 10 tick
equip palyer with 35:1
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:5
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:4
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:3
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:2
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:9
wait 10 tick
equip player with 35:1

and when i try to put one of the other hats on the loop will goes on like first i put on the wool and then the melon the melon appears for a second and then the wool again
I´d just set a variable to true and add a condition to the while loop so it just changes the hat when you want it to.
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