loop do not create command associated to an item

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Dec 30, 2020
(Translated from google)

My problem is that I cannot make a GUI with a custom command when clicking on it, let me explain:

Each loop makes a custom command to the item to click, well, it does nothing. It does not create any command associated with the item.

The portion of code with the mentioned error:

BUG ON LINE 22 (to run [console command "/insignia show %{_player}% %{_id}%"])
PD: Compiler don't launch any error btw, "all is correct". It loads correctly, but it does nothing.

Pls help :emoji_slight_smile:

EDIT 1: It creates the item correctly, but when you click... it does not run any command.

command /insignia [<text>] [<player>] [<integer=1>]:
    aliases: ins
    permission: admin.mode

        # GUI de insignias
        if arg-1 is "see":
            open chest with 6 row named "&8[ &eInsignias: &f&l%arg-2%&8 ]" to player
            play sound "block.tripwire.click_on" with volume 100 and pitch 1.5 at player for player
            wait 2 ticks

            # Muestra las insignias desbloqueadas del jugador
            set {_player} to "iKOKOi"
            set {_loop} to 54-8
            set {_total} to size of {insignia.iKOKOi::*}
            set {_paginacion} to size of {insignia.iKOKOi::*} / (54-8)
            loop {_loop} times:
                set {_val} to {_loop}-1
                set {_id} to (((arg-3)-1)*(54-8) + {_val})
                if {insignia.%{_player}%::%{_id}%} is set:
                    format slot {_val} of player with {insignia.%{_player}%::%{_id}%} named {insignia.%{_player}%::%{_id}%} to run [console command "/insignia show %{_player}% %{_id}%"]
                    if {_id} is less than {_total}:
                        format slot {_val} of player with barrier named "&7&lInsignia desconocida" with lore "&8???" to be unstealable
                        format slot {_val} of player with air to be unstealable
                remove 1 from {_loop}
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