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  1. I

    remove 1 item from stack of hand (crash)

    on rightclick holding yellow dye: player's tool is not yellow dye named "asd" with lore "123": stop remove 1 of event-item from player's inventory send "&f3" to player wait 5 ticks send "&e2" to player wait 5 ticks send "&61" to player wait 5 ticks add "a" to {_rew::*}...
  2. stop all sounds

    command /1: trigger: stop all sounds at player why this code isn't working? skript 2.6.4 SkBee, skDragon, Skellett, SkQuery, skRayFall, Skript, skript-reflect, skript-votifier-hook*, Skungee, skUtilities*
  3. J

    Sign on a block not the same as sign standing on ground

    Ok this is a bit of an odd situation, So atm I am trying to make a skript where a player right-clicks a spruce sign and then X happens (atm it's just a message for debugging purposes) Skript version 2.6.3 on rightclick on a Spruce Sign: message "test" But the issue is this. If the sign is...
  4. CreeperOverLord7

    Solved Different variables are seemingly the same

    Skript Version: 2.6.1 Skript Authors: Njol, Mirreski, SkriptLang Team and Contributors Minecraft Version: 1.16.5 (Paper version git-Paper-794) Full Code: # set a and b set {a} to...
  5. KingDooms

    Vanilla GUI stealable glitch

    So there's a weird bug with vanilla GUIs where there's a way to take out items by SHIFTING + RIGHT CLICKING + CLOSING INVENTORY. I can't use TuSKe due to server problems, so is there any fix? command /test: permission: op trigger: open chest inventory with 3 rows named "§c§lTest" to...
  6. R

    Solved Teleport to other dimension wont work

    So I run a Spigot server and I am trying to facilitate Overworld to Nether and viceversa travels. This is my code: command /nether: trigger: teleport the player to location(-6, 69, 26, world("the_nether")) send title "&6Teleported To Nether" to player No errors show up but...
  7. F

    Solved Cancel event not working

    so skript seems to have some issues with most transparent blocks. this code is supposed to stop players from breaking anything but it doesn't work on glass, beds, leaves etc. etc. can anyone help? on mine: if player's gamemode is survival: player's world = "Thick"...
  8. T

    TuSKe Bug

    I've been experiencing some issues with the TuSKe plugin. The actual GUI part of it works just fine but it won't run anything. I was able to reload the script without any errors but when I execute the command to open the GUI, none of the icons would show up and it would just say "Internal error"...
  9. iKOKOi

    [SOLVED] loop do not create command associated to an item

    (Translated from google) My problem is that I cannot make a GUI with a custom command when clicking on it, let me explain: Each loop makes a custom command to the item to click, well, it does nothing. It does not create any command associated with the item. The portion of code with the...
  10. iKOKOi

    loop do not create command associated to an item

    (Translated from google) My problem is that I cannot make a GUI with a custom command when clicking on it, let me explain: Each loop makes a custom command to the item to click, well, it does nothing. It does not create any command associated with the item. The portion of code with the...
  11. T

    Skript-holo Holograms Disappearing

    I have a skript that creates a hologram which follows the player around using skript-holo. It works, and it updates fine with another function. However, when another player joins and the hologram is updated for both players, it disappears. The only way I've found to temporarily fix it is to...
  12. mel_instagibson

    Solved player's prefix and player's suffix not working

    So i have a chat.sk skript which runs on 2 servers with identical versions of skript, all its addons, server software and permission plugin Can't understand this expression: player's prefix (chat.sk, line 87: set message format to "%player's prefix%%player's display name%%player's...