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Jake Cooper

New Member
Apr 23, 2020
Person: Jake Cooper
Brief about you: I am jake cooper the owner of a minecraft server in the making and i am looking for a custom ban plugin
Perm or temp?: This Is A Temp Offer
Basic idea: So i know their is this skycade ban recreaton skript but i need a plugin like that with the same style the same ban/mutes/warnning types in the same order and the same commands but i need a plugin that has the bans built in with mysql support and a history GUI/Alts command Message me on discord for more JakeCooper643#1976
Offering: $10
Timeframe: by the 12/05/2020 (NOT US TIME FORMAT UK DATE FORMAT)
Person: Jake Cooper
Brief about you: I am jake cooper the owner of a minecraft server in the making and i am looking for a custom ban plugin
Perm or temp?: This Is A Temp Offer
Basic idea:
So i know their is this skycade ban recreaton skript but i need a plugin like that with the same style the same ban/mutes/warnning types in the same order and the same commands but i need a plugin that has the bans built in with mysql support and a history GUI/Alts command Message me on discord for more JakeCooper643#1976
Offering: $10
Timeframe: by the 12/05/2020 (NOT US TIME FORMAT UK DATE FORMAT)
(it cant be like 50 files like a plugin on mc-market the people sell are it needs to have the ability to edit as i know a little java)
Person: Jake Cooper
Brief about you: I am jake cooper the owner of a minecraft server in the making and i am looking for a custom ban plugin
Perm or temp?: This Is A Temp Offer
Basic idea:
So i know their is this skycade ban recreaton skript but i need a plugin like that with the same style the same ban/mutes/warnning types in the same order and the same commands but i need a plugin that has the bans built in with mysql support and a history GUI/Alts command Message me on discord for more JakeCooper643#1976
Offering: $10
Timeframe: by the 12/05/2020 (NOT US TIME FORMAT UK DATE FORMAT)
(it cant be like 50 files like a plugin on mc-market the people sell are it needs to have the ability to edit as i know a little java)
now paying £60