I need a /report skript
- if they only do /report send "&cPlease report a &6Player &cand type a &eReason"
- Message if they didn't put in a player: send "&cYou need to choose a player!"
- Message if they didn't put in a reason: send "&cYou need to have a reason!"
- Message if they try to report thereself: send "&cYou can't report yourself!"
- Message if they reported the player: send "&aYou reported (the player they reported)"
- Message for cooldown: send "You need to wait (time they have to wait)
- 10 second cooldown
- /report <player> <reason>
- permission sk.report (for /reports)
- permission message: send "&cInsufficient Permission"
- /reports (shows reports)
&9Player: &6(example)
&9Reported Player: &6(example)
&9Reason: &e(example)
Thank you
If you have any questions please message me in skunity forums OR Discord FrostPVP™#4733
- if they only do /report send "&cPlease report a &6Player &cand type a &eReason"
- Message if they didn't put in a player: send "&cYou need to choose a player!"
- Message if they didn't put in a reason: send "&cYou need to have a reason!"
- Message if they try to report thereself: send "&cYou can't report yourself!"
- Message if they reported the player: send "&aYou reported (the player they reported)"
- Message for cooldown: send "You need to wait (time they have to wait)
- 10 second cooldown
- /report <player> <reason>
- permission sk.report (for /reports)
- permission message: send "&cInsufficient Permission"
- /reports (shows reports)
&9Player: &6(example)
&9Reported Player: &6(example)
&9Reason: &e(example)
Thank you
If you have any questions please message me in skunity forums OR Discord FrostPVP™#4733
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