How to make a Health Bar with Skript?

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New Member
Feb 28, 2024
Just that. I want to make a gui or hud with a Health Bar and a "Mana" bar. The health bar is supossed to be a modified texture of the hearts of player and the "Mana" bar the food bar. The problem is that i want to also add a text above both with numbers of the current HP and Mana of the player. But i don't know how to make numbers floating at the location of the bars in the hud. I tried to use actionbars but it doesn't work. There is a example of what i want.


Someone had a idea of how it's maded?
You will need to recreate each number as it's own texture and configure an offset in the Texturepack default.json. The numbers are still in the action bar but just as special characters that get replaced with the custom offset numbers from the Texturepack.
You will need to recreate each number as it's own texture and configure an offset in the Texturepack default.json. The numbers are still in the action bar but just as special characters that get replaced with the custom offset numbers from the Texturepack.

I didn't know that was a way to do it. You have any example, video or something like that to recreate it?
I didn't know that was a way to do it. You have any example, video or something like that to recreate it?
Really just delete all files from your server-resourcepack folder in ur minecraft folder, then join the server. A new file will be generated. Then just rename the file and add .zip to it. Then u can just open it and all the resourcepack files will be in there