--SOLVED-- Was just a random color plugin that was causing issues. removed it and updated essentials_chat and everything worked.
Hello skGods!
I am new here and am working on a skript that will allow players to change their prefix. It works perfectly fine until you try to add a Prefix with Hex Color Code Format. when I run this command: execute command "lp user %player% permission set prefix.70.%{tempprefix::%player%}%" the color format changes to the § style format. Here's the full .sk file:
Hello skGods!
I am new here and am working on a skript that will allow players to change their prefix. It works perfectly fine until you try to add a Prefix with Hex Color Code Format. when I run this command: execute command "lp user %player% permission set prefix.70.%{tempprefix::%player%}%" the color format changes to the § style format. Here's the full .sk file:
command /newprefix:
#NEED TO ADD:command to grab number of prefix tokens and check if amount is greater than 0
set {editprefix::%player%} to "true"
send "&9=================================================="
send "&9=&6 Set a custom Prefix "
send "&9=&6 Click the link below to make your prefix "
send "&9=&6 <link:https://minecraft.menu/minecraft-rgb-generator>https://minecraft.menu/minecraft-rgb-generator "
send "&9=&6 Then paste in chat and press enter "
send "&9=================================================="
on chat:
if {editprefix::%player%} = "true":
if message contains "cancel":
cancel event
send "&cAborting Prefix setup..."
set {editprefix::%player%} to "false"
stop trigger
cancel event
send "Your new Prefix will now be: &7[&r%message%&7]&r"
set {tempprefix::%player%} to "&7[&r%message%&7]&r"
send "Type in CONFIRM to accept your new prefix, CANCEL to exit"
set {editprefix::%player%} to "false"
set {confirmprefix::%player%} to "true"
stop trigger
on chat:
if {confirmprefix::%player%} = "true":
if message contains "confirm":
cancel event
execute command "lp user %player% meta clear prefix"
execute command "lp user %player% permission set prefix.70.%{tempprefix::%player%}%" # <--- command is reformating HEX color!
set {confirmprefix::%player%} to "false"
send "Your new Prefix is %{tempprefix::%player%}%"
if message contains "cancel":
cancel event
send "&cAborting Prefix setup..."
set {editprefix::%player%} to "false"
set {confirmprefix::%player%} to "false"
stop trigger
#NEED TO ADD:command to grab number of prefix tokens, subtract 1 and print remaining tokens
stop trigger
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