Solved gui error

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Sep 23, 2020
hey everyone, can someone help me with this skript cuz i dont get it to work with whatever i try
command /bwgui:
    permission: sk.bwgui
    permission message: &8&l(&c&l!&8&l)&7 &cUnknown&7 command, type &c/help&7 for help
        set {bwps} to number of players in world "bedwars" and "waterfall" and "lighthouse" and "acropolissolo"
        set {bwpall} to number of players in world "bedwars" and "waterfall" and "lighthouse" and "acropolissolo" and "speedway" and "rooftop" and "acropolisdoubles"
        open chest with 5 rows named "&5GalaxyCraft&8 » BedWars" to player
        format gui slot 0 and 8 and 36 and 44 of player with white glass pane named "&8"
        format gui slot 1 and 7 and 9 and 17 and 27 and 35 and 37 and 43 of player with purple glass pane named "&8"
        format gui slot 21 of player with bed named "&7Fast join &bSolo BedWars" with lore "&8Playing: &7(&b%{bwps}%&7)", "&8", "&7Click to join"
        format gui slot 23 of player with paper named "&7Join the &bBedWars&7 Lobby" with lore "&8Online: &7(&b%{bwpall}%&7)", "&8", "&7Click to join"

on inventory click:
    inventory name of player's current inventory = "&5GalaxyCraft&8 » BedWars":
        clicked slot is 21:
            broadcast "test"

it wont give me any errors in chat or console, but the click events doesnt work at all, if i remove the line clicked slot is 21, i can click on an empty slot, and it wil broadcast, clicking on a slot with an item wont do anything...

hope someone can help :emoji_grinning:
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instead of using the on click event you can just do it using tuske
format gui slot 21 of player with bed named "&7Fast join &bSolo BedWars" with lore "&8Playing: &7(&b%{bwps}%&7)", "&8", "&7Click to join" to run:
  broadcast "test"
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