Flying Broom sick skript with 3d model 1.8.9

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From reading this, the user does not even know basic skript, so saying things like "ride armor stand" and "Place block" he does not understand what this means. I recommend this user learns how to use the basics of skript before attempting to complete this task.
in that case you might want to make it so when a player holds a certain item it'll start flying perhaps,,
I dont now how to do it
From reading this, the user does not even know basic skript, so saying things like "ride armor stand" and "Place block" he does not understand what this means. I recommend this user learns how to use the basics of skript before attempting to complete this task.
I can the basic but Cant this
just loop ever 2 ticks or so :emoji_slight_smile:
And push the armorstand the player is riding in players direction :emoji_slight_smile: there is a variable set that tells if the player is riding... Horse.riding.%player% I think
How do I do it when i try it im jumping and down even if i look up the time
I dont now how to do it
I can the basic but Cant this
How do I do it when i try it im jumping and down even if i look up the time

This is pretty basic stuff xD
I dont now how to do it
I can the basic but Cant this
How do I do it when i try it im jumping and down even if i look up the time
If you know the basics of Skript, then go on the Skunity Docs and do some research. Right now, you're literally getting spoon fed by other people because you don't "know" how to do the basics of broom riding.

Anyways, I do not quite understand your last sentence. Please clarify it more. Jumping and down even if you look up the time?