Flying Broom sick skript with 3d model 1.8.9

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Jan 27, 2017
Category: Flying Broom sick skript with 3d model and Texture Pack 1.8.9

Suggested name: Broom Sick

What I want:
i have a resource pack with a 3d model of a broom but can i make it so you can place it down and fly on it

Ideas for commands: /broom gives you the broom

Ideas for permissions: no perms

When I'd like it by: in 3 months
This would be changing mechanics. I don't think this is possible unless you change the item that the brook is made out of to something that is peaceable. Though you could maybe test if they are placing a broom with X name and place a block at that location..
make an invisible armor stand hold the item that this model is made from and make the armor stand move around the way you need :3
maybe you can position it in a way that you can also ride the armor stand and have it look like the broom instead
I have Thing about amorstand but how to i do it ?
How to post code/command pls

Can you post command/code
its from my old pc I don't have it anymore, just make the player ride a armorstand and push the player on the vehicle events
its from my old pc I don't have it anymore, just make the player ride a armorstand and push the player on the vehicle events
how pls help me i dont how to make a player ride a armorstand
[doublepost=1488555228,1488555191][/doublepost]pls help
its from my old pc I don't have it anymore, just make the player ride a armorstand and push the player on the vehicle events
help pls
So it's possible to ride an armor stand and fly around with it

command /broomstick:
        give gold_horse_armour named "&6Broomstick" to player
on rightclick:
    if {Horse.riding.%player%} is false:
        name of player's tool is "&6Broomstick"
        cancel event
        spawn a armor stand at player's location
        make the player ride the spawned armor stand
        set {Horse.riding.%player%} to true
        push spawned armor stand upwards at speed 0.5
        push spawned armor stand in player's direction at speed 0.5

on sneak toggle:
    set {Horse.riding.%player%} to false
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So it's possible to ride an armor stand and fly around with it

command /broomstick:
        give gold_horse_armour named "&6Broomstick" to player
on rightclick:
    if {Horse.riding.%player%} is false:
        name of player's tool is "&6Broomstick"
        cancel event
        spawn a armor stand at player's location
        make the player ride the spawned armor stand
        set {Horse.riding.%player%} to true
        push spawned armor stand upwards at speed 0.5
        push spawned armor stand in player's direction at speed 0.5

on sneak toggle:
    set {Horse.riding.%player%} to false
my broom model is rose_red can you make the amorstand Invisible so like you fly on rose_red and can not see the amorstand
my broom model is rose_red can you make the amorstand Invisible so like you fly on rose_red and can not see the amorstand

Just play with the armor stands arm or head positions depending on what slot you placed the item and set the armor stand invisible. (don't be afraid to look up some syntax)

when an armor stand is first spawned you will see a quick flash of it before it turns invisible, I usually spawn them out of view then move them to where they need to be. I'm sure there's a better way
Just play with the armor stands arm or head positions depending on what slot you placed the item and set the armor stand invisible. (don't be afraid to look up some syntax)

when an armor stand is first spawned you will see a quick flash of it before it turns invisible, I usually spawn them out of view then move them to where they need to be. I'm sure there's a better way
how do i do that
So it's possible to ride an armor stand and fly around with it

command /broomstick:
        give gold_horse_armour named "&6Broomstick" to player
on rightclick:
    if {Horse.riding.%player%} is false:
        name of player's tool is "&6Broomstick"
        cancel event
        spawn a armor stand at player's location
        make the player ride the spawned armor stand
        set {Horse.riding.%player%} to true
        push spawned armor stand upwards at speed 0.5
        push spawned armor stand in player's direction at speed 0.5

on sneak toggle:
    set {Horse.riding.%player%} to false

can you make it so i dont need to hold down the mouse
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how do i do that

can you make it so i dont need to hold down the mouse

just loop ever 2 ticks or so :emoji_slight_smile:
And push the armorstand the player is riding in players direction :emoji_slight_smile: there is a variable set that tells if the player is riding... Horse.riding.%player% I think
in that case you might want to make it so when a player holds a certain item it'll start flying perhaps,,