Fireball wand with custom damage

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Jan 19, 2021
Uhh idk
Suggested name:
Fireball Wand
Spigot/Skript Version:
What I want:
A wand that shoots fireballs and deals custom damage to mobs when it hits also if possible make it so it does not deal damage to players..

Ideas for commands:
/fireballwand to get the wand as a op

Ideas for permissions:
I don't think a permission is needed since 1 command would be enough and I want every player to be able to use the wand
When I'd like it by: I don't know what a reasonable time would be maybe a week?
Last edited:
Uhh idk
Suggested name:
Fireball Wand
Spigot/Skript Version:
What I want:
A wand that shoots fireballs and deals custom damage to mobs when it hits also if possible make it so it does not deal damage to players..

Ideas for commands:
/fireballwand to get the wand as a op

Ideas for permissions:
I don't think a permission is needed since 1 command would be enough and I want every player to be able to use the wand
When I'd like it by: I don't know what a reasonable time would be maybe a week?
command /wand:
    open chest with 1 row named "&e&ka&6&lFire Wand&e&ka" to player
    format slot 4 of player with 1 of glowing blaze rod named "&7&m--&e&ka&6&lFire Wand&e&ks&7&m--" with lore "&7Right click to shoot a fireball" to close then run [execute player command "/firewand"]
command /firewand:
    set {cooldown} to difference between {cooldown.%player%} and now
    if {cooldown} is less than 60 seconds:
      send "&cYou must wait %difference between {cooldown} and 60 seconds% &cbefore using this wand again."
    set {cooldown.%player%} to now
    give player 1 of glowing blaze rod named "&7&m--&e&ka&6&lFire Wand&e&ks&7&m--" with lore "&7Right click to shoot a fireball"
on right click:
  player is holding 1 of glowing blaze rod named "&7&m--&e&ka&6&lFire Wand&e&ks&7&m--" with lore "&7Right click to shoot a fireball":
    shoot a fireball from player at speed 1
on damage:
  projectile is set
  projectile is a fireball
  attacker is holding 1 of glowing blaze rod named "&7&m--&e&ka&6&lFire Wand&e&ks&7&m--" with lore "&7Right click to shoot a fireball":
    victim is a player
    cancel event
    send "&cYou cannot hit players with the wand." to attacker
    victim is not a player
    damage victim by 3 hearts

the last line is how many hearts you want it to deal when hitting.
it has a cooldown so people can't spam the command annnnnnndddddddddddddddddddd it requires skquery
command /wand:
    open chest with 1 row named "&e&ka&6&lFire Wand&e&ka" to player
    format slot 4 of player with 1 of glowing blaze rod named "&7&m--&e&ka&6&lFire Wand&e&ks&7&m--" with lore "&7Right click to shoot a fireball" to close then run [execute player command "/firewand"]
command /firewand:
    set {cooldown} to difference between {cooldown.%player%} and now
    if {cooldown} is less than 60 seconds:
      send "&cYou must wait %difference between {cooldown} and 60 seconds% &cbefore using this wand again."
    set {cooldown.%player%} to now
    give player 1 of glowing blaze rod named "&7&m--&e&ka&6&lFire Wand&e&ks&7&m--" with lore "&7Right click to shoot a fireball"
on right click:
  player is holding 1 of glowing blaze rod named "&7&m--&e&ka&6&lFire Wand&e&ks&7&m--" with lore "&7Right click to shoot a fireball":
    shoot a fireball from player at speed 1
on damage:
  projectile is set
  projectile is a fireball
  attacker is holding 1 of glowing blaze rod named "&7&m--&e&ka&6&lFire Wand&e&ks&7&m--" with lore "&7Right click to shoot a fireball":
    victim is a player
    cancel event
    send "&cYou cannot hit players with the wand." to attacker
    victim is not a player
    damage victim by 3 hearts

the last line is how many hearts you want it to deal when hitting.
it has a cooldown so people can't spam the command annnnnnndddddddddddddddddddd it requires skquery
Thank you so much!