Solved Custom Command Help

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Dec 19, 2021
I am trying to create a command that will respawn the player for a cost of $10000 by typing /respawn. I am using the vault plugin for the economy. I can't get it to work correctly. This is my skript currently.

command /rsp:
description: This will buy you back to life for $10000
permission: sk.respawn
permission message: &cYou cannot preform this command!
if player's %vault_eco_balance% is greater than or equal to 10000:
remove 10000 from player's %vault_eco_balance%
set player's gamemode to survival
message "You have been revived!" to player
if player's %vault_eco_balance% is greater than or equal to 10000:
message "You don't have enough money!" to player

When I reload the script in game it tells me this

Can't compare 'player's %vault_eco_balance%' with an integer (, line 6: if player's %vault_eco_balance% is greater than or equal to 10000:')
Can't compare 'player's %vault_eco_balance%' with an integer (, line 10: if player's %vault_eco_balance% is lesser than 10000:')

Can someone explain why I can't get it to run?

command /rsp:
description: This will buy you back to life for $10000
permission: sk.respawn
permission message: &cYou cannot preform this command!
if balance of player <= 10000:
remove 10000 from the player's account
set player's gamemode to survival
message "You have been revived!" to player
if balance of player <= 10000:
message "You don't have enough money!" to player

command /rsp:
description: This will buy you back to life for $10000
permission: sk.respawn
permission message: &cYou cannot preform this command!
if balance of player <= 10000:
remove 10000 from the player's account
set player's gamemode to survival
message "You have been revived!" to player
if balance of player <= 10000:
message "You don't have enough money!" to player

That made it work. Thank you
That made it work. Thank you

command /rsp:
description: This will buy you back to life for $10000
permission: sk.respawn
permission message: &cYou cannot preform this command!
if balance of player <= 10000:
remove 10000 from the player's account
set player's gamemode to survival
message "You have been revived!" to player
if balance of player <= 10000:
message "You don't have enough money!" to player

It doesn't error out anymore but it only works if I have exactly 10000. If I have more then that it tells me "You don't have enough money!" Is there another way to express greater than or equal to?
That made it work. Thank you

It doesn't error out anymore but it only works if I have exactly 10000. If I have more then that it tells me "You don't have enough money!" Is there another way to express greater than or equal to?
well try
[doublepost=1639972666][/doublepost]command /rsp:
description: This will buy you back to life for $10000
permission: sk.respawn
permission message: &cYou cannot preform this command!
if balance of player < 10000:
remove 10000 from the player's account
set player's gamemode to survival
message "You have been revived!" to player
if balance of player < 10000:
message "You don't have enough money!" to player
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