I am trying to create a command that will respawn the player for a cost of $10000 by typing /respawn. I am using the vault plugin for the economy. I can't get it to work correctly. This is my skript currently.
command /rsp:
description: This will buy you back to life for $10000
permission: sk.respawn
permission message: &cYou cannot preform this command!
if player's %vault_eco_balance% is greater than or equal to 10000:
remove 10000 from player's %vault_eco_balance%
set player's gamemode to survival
message "You have been revived!" to player
if player's %vault_eco_balance% is greater than or equal to 10000:
message "You don't have enough money!" to player
When I reload the script in game it tells me this
Can't compare 'player's %vault_eco_balance%' with an integer (Respawn.sk, line 6: if player's %vault_eco_balance% is greater than or equal to 10000:')
Can't compare 'player's %vault_eco_balance%' with an integer (Respawn.sk, line 10: if player's %vault_eco_balance% is lesser than 10000:')
Can someone explain why I can't get it to run?
command /rsp:
description: This will buy you back to life for $10000
permission: sk.respawn
permission message: &cYou cannot preform this command!
if player's %vault_eco_balance% is greater than or equal to 10000:
remove 10000 from player's %vault_eco_balance%
set player's gamemode to survival
message "You have been revived!" to player
if player's %vault_eco_balance% is greater than or equal to 10000:
message "You don't have enough money!" to player
When I reload the script in game it tells me this
Can't compare 'player's %vault_eco_balance%' with an integer (Respawn.sk, line 6: if player's %vault_eco_balance% is greater than or equal to 10000:')
Can't compare 'player's %vault_eco_balance%' with an integer (Respawn.sk, line 10: if player's %vault_eco_balance% is lesser than 10000:')
Can someone explain why I can't get it to run?