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New Member
Jun 27, 2021
Nothing is saving, when I set something it doesn't save.
function registerCrate(id:number, name:string, l:location, key:item, items:object, chances:object):
  clear {crates::%{_id}%::*}
  set {crates::%{_id}%} to {_id}
  set {crates::%{_id}%::name} to {_name}
  set {crates::%{_id}%::location} to {_location}
  set {crates::%{_id}%::key} to {_key}
  set {crates::%{_id}%::items} to {_items}
  set {crates::%{_id}%::chances} to {_chances}
  set {crates::locations} to 1
  add {_l} to {crates::locations::*}

function useKey(p:player, l:location, key:item):
  loop {crates::*}:
    if {crates::%loop-index%::key} = {_key}:
      set {_id} to loop-index-1
      set {_chancenum} to 0
      set {_random} to random integer between 1 and 100
      loop {crates::%{_id}%::items::*}:
        add index loop-value-2 of {crates::%{_id}%::chance} to {_chancenum}
        if {_random} < {_chancenum}:
          give {crates::%{_id}%::items} to {_p}
      send "%{_items}%" to {_p}
      # set {_random} to random integer in between 1 and the length of {_items::*}
      give random element out of {_items::*} to {_p}

function targetblock(p:player) :: location:
    return location of target block of {_p}

on right click:
  if {crates::locations::*} contains targetblock(player):
    cancel event
    useKey(player, targetblock(player), player's tool)

on right click:
  if {ccLocation::%uuid of player%} is set:
    if player has permission "crate.create":
      cancel event
      send "&aBlock selected" to player
      clear {ccLocation::%uuid of player%}
      set {createData::%uuid of player%::location} to targetblock(player)
      set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 1 row named "&6Create Crate"
      set slot 4 of {_gui} to grass named "&6Click me to set a block"
      set slot 2 of {_gui} to oak sign named "&6Click to change name"
      if {crateData::%uuid of player%::name} is set:
        set slot 2 of {_gui} to oak sign named "%{crateData::%uuid of player%::name}%"
      set slot 6 of {_gui} to bedrock named "&6Click to set key"
      if {createData::%uuid of player%::key} is set:
        set slot 6 of {_gui} to {createData::%uuid of player%::key}
      set slot 8 of {_gui} to lime glass pane named "&aClick to confirm"
      open {_gui} to the player
  if {ccItem::%uuid of player%} is set:
    if player has permission "crate.create":
      cancel event
      send "&aKey selected" to player
      clear {ccItem::%uuid of player%}
      set {createData::%uuid of player%::key} to player's held item
      set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 1 row named "&6Create Crate"
      set slot 4 of {_gui} to grass named "&6Click me to set a block"
      set slot 2 of {_gui} to oak sign named "&6Click to change name"
      if {crateData::%uuid of player%::name} is set:
        set slot 2 of {_gui} to oak sign named "%{crateData::%uuid of player%::name}%"
      set slot 6 of {_gui} to bedrock named "&6Click to set key"
      if {createData::%uuid of player%::key} is set:
        set slot 6 of {_gui} to {createData::%uuid of player%::key}
      set slot 8 of {_gui} to lime glass pane named "&aClick to confirm"
      open {_gui} to the player

on chat:
  if {ccName::%uuid of player%} is set:
    if player has permission "crate.create":
      cancel event
      clear {ccName::%uuid of player%}
      set {createData::%uuid of player%::name} to message
      send "&aName set to %{crateData::%uuid of player%::*}% " to player
      set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 1 row named "&6Create Crate"
      set slot 4 of {_gui} to grass named "&6Click me to set a block"
      set slot 2 of {_gui} to oak sign named "&6Click to change name"
      if {crateData::%uuid of player%::name} is set:
        set slot 2 of {_gui} to oak sign named "%{crateData::%uuid of player%::name}%"
      set slot 6 of {_gui} to bedrock named "&6Click to set key"
      if {createData::%uuid of player%::key} is set:
        set slot 6 of {_gui} to {createData::%uuid of player%::key}
      set slot 8 of {_gui} to lime glass pane named "&aClick to confirm"
      open {_gui} to the player
command /crate create:
  permission: crate.create
    clear {crateData::%uuid of player%::*}
    set {createData::%uuid of player%} to 1
    set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 1 row named "&6Create Crate"
    set slot 4 of {_gui} to grass named "&6Click me to set a block"
    set slot 2 of {_gui} to oak sign named "&6Click to change name"
    if {crateData::%uuid of player%::name} is set:
      set slot 2 of {_gui} to oak sign named "%{crateData::%uuid of player%::name}%"
    set slot 6 of {_gui} to bedrock named "&6Click to set key"
    if {createData::%uuid of player%::key} is set:
      set slot 6 of {_gui} to {createData::%uuid of player%::key}
    set slot 8 of {_gui} to lime glass pane named "&aClick to confirm"
    open {_gui} to the player

on inventory click:
  if name of event-inventory is "&6Create Crate":
    cancel event
    if event-inventory != player's inventory:
      if name of event-slot is "&6Click me to set a block":
        set {ccLocation::%uuid of player%} to 1
        close player's inventory
        send "&6Right click a block to select it"
      if name of event-slot is "&6Click to change name":
        set {ccName::%uuid of player%} to 1
        close player's inventory
        send "&6Type the name of the crate"
      if event-slot is 6:
        set {ccItem::%uuid of player%} to 1
        close player's inventory
        send "&6Right click while holding an item to select it"
      if name of event-slot is "&aClick to confirm":
        close player's inventory
        send "&aCrate registered with id %{crateData::%uuid of player%::*}%"
        registerCrate((length of {crates::*} ? 1), ({crateData::%uuid of player%::name}), ({crateData::%uuid of player%::location}), ({crateData::%uuid of player%::key}),(air), (air))
[doublepost=1626518539,1626485297][/doublepost]The thing that isn't saving is {createData::%uuid of player%::*}. When you use /crate create and change the name it will say <none>
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