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  1. Palgia

    Script SkLoot - ✅ Create custom loot tables ✅ Loot chests ✅ & More ! 1.1

    Create custom loot tables and loot chest ! Addons required: SkBee, Skript-reflect, Skript-yaml ➡ Create loot tables with items, variables, and items from SkItemCreator ➡ Create loot chest with global loot or individual loot ➡ Commands & Full API ➡ Particles & more! Here's an example of a loot...
  2. D

    Solved On holding more than one crate key it doesn't work anymore

    Hi everyone! I have made a skript for crates: options: # KEYS: keytype: tripwire hook keyname: "&aCommon &7Key" keylore: "&cUse /warp crates to open!" on rightclick: if event-block is shulker box: if block below event-block is fence: cancel event...
  3. E

    How can i make an animated Crate?

    Hello guys! I wanted to ask how i can make a animated crate? yk when you open it, it will go from right to left and the item in the mid wins the user when the animation stoped. Can someone pls help me?
  4. A

    Crates not workig

    Nothing is saving, when I set something it doesn't save. function registerCrate(id:number, name:string, l:location, key:item, items:object, chances:object): clear {crates::%{_id}%::*} set {crates::%{_id}%} to {_id} set {crates::%{_id}%::name} to {_name} set {crates::%{_id}%::location} to...
  5. Natalciuu

    Solved Getting name of a container

    Hey so im working on making a crate system with skript, but I want to get the name of the container or chest when you click it so it sets that to the name of the crate, I have a bit of code but it doesn't work. set {_crateName} to name of %location% inventory
  6. S

    Crates with chances

    Category: Crates Suggested name: ServerCrates Spigot/Skript Version: Latest What I want: So I want crates that have custom winning chances (I should be able to change them) for each item. Each crate should have own key to open. No holograms needed. Ideas for commands: /crate...
  7. K

    Please help me fix this

    Im trying to make a crate opening skript. The code: options: {lada:1} = 322 8 {lada:2} = 373:8201 {lada:3} = 322:1 {lada:4} = 332 12 on right click with 131: if clicked block is end portal frame: cancel event remove 1 of player's tool from player set...
  8. L

    I need a crate skript

    I can't find any with the following: -Being able to set chances below 1% (though it is nto extremely necesary it would be nice) -Being able to add custom items (such as potions or enchanted things) with a command /additem (crate) (chance) -Being able to set the crates to a block, such a chest...
  9. D

    Trying to make a crates skript

    So I'm trying to make a skript for crates, and I wanted to make it so you can list all the crates that exist. I also wanted to list items inside crates. I'm not sure how to do this at all though... or if there is an easy way to make anything I already made. I just need help! options: prefix...
  10. LimeGlass

    Custom crate templates (Creating crate designs for free)

    Custom crate templates by LimeGlass Basically I will be creating your crate ideas in any way you wish. All you have todo is explain how the crate rotates or moves with a picture or explaination. Why am I doing this? Doesn't it seem like alot of work? Won't people request alot? Yes and I don't...