Color code format thru other plugin

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New Member
Jul 16, 2023
Hey guys, i made a skript for chatcolor voucher but im using a other plugin for the chat colors so now its.

execute console command "chatcolor add %player% &3"

But because skript registers &3 as a color code its not sended as a message with the command.
Does anyone have solution to this?
You could try to see if there's an alternative variation of the chatcolor voucher command. For example maybe something like: /chatcolor add Example aqua. If that doesn't work, you could try using the § symbol and see if that makes a difference. If all of those solutions fail though; you can just mimic the normal message in your code.
send "&9[Chatcolor] &fYour chat color has been set to &3this&f!" to player # Modify to your liking
Its not really about that, the plugin im using to set the chatcolor needs to be

/chatcolor add %player% &a

And when i tell skript to execute that command as console, it registers &a as a color code so it doesnt send as &a but just as blank.

Im trying to fix that skript doesnt register it as a color code

Variable didnt work either.
Its not really about that, the plugin im using to set the chatcolor needs to be

And when i tell skript to execute that command as console, it registers &a as a color code so it doesnt send as &a but just as blank.

Im trying to fix that skript doesnt register it as a color code

Variable didnt work either.
Maybe something you could do is set a color code with something like:

set {Example} to formatted "&a" # You should experiment with it and try 'unformatted' or 'uncolored'. I'm not sure either of those would work, but it's worth a shot.
You can set a local variable to the color without the symbol and then using that in the on command.
Something like this:

set {_y} to "a"
execute console command "chatcolor add %player% &%{_y}%"
This works for me I tested it using a function and following code:
function testFormat():
    set {_y} to "a"
    broadcast "&%{_y}%"
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Both of your answers give 0 errors but still both dont work, the paper doesnt even go out of my inventory anymore.
on right click:
if name of paper is "&fChatkleur: &aLicht Groen":
remove 1 of tool from tool
set {_lichtgroen} to "&a"
execute console command "chatcolor add %player% %{_lichtgroen}%"
send "&a&lᴛᴇʀᴀʜᴍᴄ &fJe hebt nu je &aLicht Groene &fchatkleur verzilverd."

Its in dutch tho :emoji_slight_smile:
Well read what I said how you’re supposed to do it again and then do it again because you didn’t to it as I told you. You’re supposed to set the variable just to the letter and then put the symbol before the variable in the execute effect
How you did it:

How i told you to do it:
That didnt work either, and the item still doesnt go out of my hand so i dont understand the bugs anymore..