Skript Chest Inventory Serialization (SkBee)

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Jan 27, 2017
United States
This is a little tutorial on how to serialize chest inventories and items using SkBee.

Main serialization function
function serializeInventoryContents(inv: inventory) :: objects:
    loop (rows of {_inv})*9 times:
        set {_i} to slot (loop-value - 1) of {_inv}
        set {_contents::%loop-value%} to full nbt compound of {_i}
    return {_contents::*}
This function will take a chest inventory and convert every item in every slot into a full nbt compound.

Main deserialization function
function deserializeInventoryContents(serialized: objects, inv: inventory) :: inventory:
    if size of {_serialized::*}/9 = rows of {_inv}:
        loop {_serialized::*}:
            set {_i} to item from nbt loop-value
            set {_index} to loop-index parsed as integer
            set slot ({_index}-1) of {_inv} to {_i}
        return {_inv}
        send "&c[ERROR] Gui size invalid. Serialized list is size %size of {_serialized::*}/9% while input inventory is size %rows of {_inv}%." to console
    return {_inv}
This function will take a serialized list of nbt compounds and reformat an inventory from serialized items.

This is pretty much all you need to actually serialize items using SkBee. If you want a version where items are stored as strings instead (for databases), you have to change the code slightly and create some extra functions.

Serialization function (strings)
function serializeInventoryContents(inv: inventory) :: strings:
    loop (rows of {_inv})*9 times:
        set {_i} to slot (loop-value - 1) of {_inv}
        set {_contents::%loop-value%} to "%full nbt compound of {_i}%"
    return {_contents::*}

Deserialization function (strings)
function deserializeInventoryContents(serialized: strings, inv: inventory) :: inventory:
    if size of {_serialized::*}/9 = rows of {_inv}:
        loop {_serialized::*}:
            set {_i} to item from nbt (nbt compound from loop-value)
            set {_index} to loop-index parsed as integer
            set slot ({_index}-1) of {_inv} to {_i}
        return {_inv}
        send "&c[ERROR] Gui size invalid. Serialized list is size %size of {_serialized::*}/9% while input inventory is size %rows of {_inv}%." to console
    return {_inv}

Want to serialize an inventory all into one string? Here is how:
function getSerializedSingleString(inv: inventory) :: string:
    loop (rows of {_inv})*9 times:
        set {_i} to slot (loop-value - 1) of {_inv}
        set {_contents::%loop-value%} to "%full nbt compound of {_i}%"
    return join {_contents::*} by "^*^"
Note: I'm using "^*^" as a delimiter in this case. You can choose to split by a different value, just make sure its a value that probably will never show up in an items data.

Deserialize single string (Using the function from above)
function deserializeSingleString(serialized: string, inv: inventory) :: inventory:
    return deserializeInventoryContents(split {_serialized} by "^*^", {_inv})


Single string serialization/deserialization
command /teststringserial:
        # Setup inventory
        set {_inv} to chest inventory with 6 rows named "Hello"
        set slot 4 of {_inv} to 1 of apple
        set slot 15 of {_inv} to 1 of stone
        set slot 43 of {_inv} to 1 of stone axe
        # Get inventory serialized as one string
        set {_contents} to getSerializedSingleString({_inv})
        broadcast {_contents}

        # Deserialize our string from earlier
        set {_newinv} to deserializeSingleString({_contents}, chest inventory with 6 rows named "Hello")
        open {_newinv} to player

Using compounds list
command /testserial:
        # Setup inventory
        set {_inv} to chest inventory with 6 rows named "Hello"
        set slot 4 of {_inv} to 1 of apple
        set slot 15 of {_inv} to 1 of stone
        set slot 43 of {_inv} to 1 of stone axe
        # Get inventory serialized as nbt compounds
        set {_contents::*} to serializeInventoryContents({_inv})
        broadcast "%{_contents::*}%"

        # Deserialize our compounds from earlier
        set {_newinv} to deserializeInventoryContents({_contents::*}, chest inventory with 6 rows named "Hello")
        open {_newinv} to player

If you want a list of strings for serialized items, you'd basically use the same code as above, just make sure you have the functions formatted for strings instead of nbt compounds.