Cancel Teleportation with Movement

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May 14, 2023
Hey there. I'm quite confused on how to cancel the teleportation when someone moves..
Here's the code.

command testtp:
    aliases: tt, ttp
        wait 0.25 seconds
        console command "effect give %player% blindness 3 200"
        console command "effect give %player% slowness 3 10"             
        play sound "" with volume 1 with pitch 1 to player
        send title "{@prefix1}"
        send subtitle "test"
        wait 0.75 seconds
        play sound "" with volume 0.5 with pitch 1 to player
        send title "{@prefix1}"
        send subtitle "test."
        wait 0.75 seconds
        play sound "" with volume 0.5 with pitch 1 to player
        send title "{@prefix1}"
        send subtitle "test.."
        wait 0.75 seconds
        play sound "" with volume 0.5 with pitch 1 to player
        send title "{@prefix1}"
        send subtitle "test..."     
        teleport player to {test}
        send "{@prefix} &fYou have been teleported to &etest&f." to player
        play sound "minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup" to player
Hey there. I'm quite confused on how to cancel the teleportation when someone moves..
Here's the code.

command testtp:
    aliases: tt, ttp
        wait 0.25 seconds
        console command "effect give %player% blindness 3 200"
        console command "effect give %player% slowness 3 10"            
        play sound "" with volume 1 with pitch 1 to player
        send title "{@prefix1}"
        send subtitle "test"
        wait 0.75 seconds
        play sound "" with volume 0.5 with pitch 1 to player
        send title "{@prefix1}"
        send subtitle "test."
        wait 0.75 seconds
        play sound "" with volume 0.5 with pitch 1 to player
        send title "{@prefix1}"
        send subtitle "test.."
        wait 0.75 seconds
        play sound "" with volume 0.5 with pitch 1 to player
        send title "{@prefix1}"
        send subtitle "test..."    
        teleport player to {test}
        send "{@prefix} &fYou have been teleported to &etest&f." to player
        play sound "minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup" to player
Save the player's location when running the command, and check before teleporting if the location of the player is still the same.