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Feb 21, 2017
How are you meant to code when the coding program (in this case plugin) doesn't even work.
if {countdown.%arg-2%} is not set:
                                set {countdown.%arg-2%} to "no"
                            loop all players in world "Spleef":
                                if {arena.%loop-player%} is "%arg-2%":
                                    send "{@p} &6%player% &3has joined the arena. &7&o(%{players.%arg-2%}%/%{spleef.maxplayers}%)" to loop-player
                            send "%{players.%arg-2%}% %{spleef.minplayers}%" to console
                            if {players.%arg-2%} is greater than or equal to {spleef.minplayers}:
                                send "Yeah" to console
                                if {countdown.%arg-2%} is "no":
                                    send "Mhm" to console
                                    loop all players in world "Spleef":
                                        send "Yepppp" to console
                                        if {arena.%loop-player%} is arg-2:
                                            send "idk" to console
                                            set {countdown.%arg-2%} to "yes"
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 60 seconds." to loop-player
                                            wait 30 seconds
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 30 seconds." to loop-player
                                            wait 15 seconds
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 15 seconds." to loop-player
                                            wait 5 seconds
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 10 seconds." to loop-player
                                            wait 5 seconds
                                            play raw sound "note.pling" at location of loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 5" to loop-player
                                            wait 1 second
                                            play raw sound "note.pling" at location of loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 4" to loop-player
                                            wait 1 second
                                            play raw sound "note.pling" at location of loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 3" to loop-player
                                            wait 1 second
                                            play raw sound "note.pling" at location of loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 2" to loop-player
                                            wait 1 second
                                            play raw sound "note.pling" at location of loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 1" to loop-player
                                            if {spawns.%arg-2%} < {players.%arg-2%}:
                                                broadcast "{@e} &7Warning! Arena %arg-2% in spleef doesn't have enough spawn points set! Contacting all admins..."
                                                loop all players:
                                                    if loop-player is op:
                                                        send "{@e} &7Severe Warning! Arena %arg-2% in spleef doesn't have enough spawn points set meaning it cannot be played. Fix it ASAP!" to loop-player
                                                        loop 7 times:
                                                            play raw sound "mob.wolf.howl" at location of loop-player with pitch 2 volume 1
                                                            wait 10 ticks
                                                wait 1 second
                                                set {_num} to 0
                                                set {playersleft.%arg-2%} to 0
                                                loop all players in world "Spleef":
                                                    if {arena.%loop-player%} is "%arg-2%":
                                                        play raw sound "random.levelup" at location of loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1
                                                        teleport loop-player to {spawn.%arg-2%.%{_num}%}
                                                        add 1 to {_num}
                                                        add 1 to {playersleft.%arg-2%}
                                                        give iron shovel of efficiency 1 to loop-player
The less than works but when starting the countdown it can't think if its greater than or equal to the number of minimum players.
send "%{players.%arg-2%}% %{spleef.minplayers}%" to console # works
                            if {players.%arg-2%} is greater than or equal to {spleef.minplayers}: # Doesn't do it
                                send "Yeah" to console # Doesn't send it to console that's how I know it doesn't detect it is greater than or equal to {spleef.minplayers}
                                if {countdown.%arg-2%} is "no":
                                    send "Mhm" to console
                                    loop all players in world "Spleef":
                                        send "Yepppp" to console
                                        if {arena.%loop-player%} is arg-2:
                                            send "idk" to console
                                            set {countdown.%arg-2%} to "yes"
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 60 seconds." to loop-player
Players are 3 and minimum is 1 and it STILL doesn't detect that it's even greater than the minimum players!
A freaking 4 year old will be able to figure that out! (not trying to insult 4-year-olds)

It's really retarded that a coding plugin can't do that.
So is there an alternative to fixing this and figuring it out. (doesn't matter about size I just want it to work....)
How are you meant to code when the coding program (in this case plugin) doesn't even work.
if {countdown.%arg-2%} is not set:
                                set {countdown.%arg-2%} to "no"
                            loop all players in world "Spleef":
                                if {arena.%loop-player%} is "%arg-2%":
                                    send "{@p} &6%player% &3has joined the arena. &7&o(%{players.%arg-2%}%/%{spleef.maxplayers}%)" to loop-player
                            send "%{players.%arg-2%}% %{spleef.minplayers}%" to console
                            if {players.%arg-2%} is greater than or equal to {spleef.minplayers}:
                                send "Yeah" to console
                                if {countdown.%arg-2%} is "no":
                                    send "Mhm" to console
                                    loop all players in world "Spleef":
                                        send "Yepppp" to console
                                        if {arena.%loop-player%} is arg-2:
                                            send "idk" to console
                                            set {countdown.%arg-2%} to "yes"
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 60 seconds." to loop-player
                                            wait 30 seconds
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 30 seconds." to loop-player
                                            wait 15 seconds
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 15 seconds." to loop-player
                                            wait 5 seconds
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 10 seconds." to loop-player
                                            wait 5 seconds
                                            play raw sound "note.pling" at location of loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 5" to loop-player
                                            wait 1 second
                                            play raw sound "note.pling" at location of loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 4" to loop-player
                                            wait 1 second
                                            play raw sound "note.pling" at location of loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 3" to loop-player
                                            wait 1 second
                                            play raw sound "note.pling" at location of loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 2" to loop-player
                                            wait 1 second
                                            play raw sound "note.pling" at location of loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 1" to loop-player
                                            if {spawns.%arg-2%} < {players.%arg-2%}:
                                                broadcast "{@e} &7Warning! Arena %arg-2% in spleef doesn't have enough spawn points set! Contacting all admins..."
                                                loop all players:
                                                    if loop-player is op:
                                                        send "{@e} &7Severe Warning! Arena %arg-2% in spleef doesn't have enough spawn points set meaning it cannot be played. Fix it ASAP!" to loop-player
                                                        loop 7 times:
                                                            play raw sound "mob.wolf.howl" at location of loop-player with pitch 2 volume 1
                                                            wait 10 ticks
                                                wait 1 second
                                                set {_num} to 0
                                                set {playersleft.%arg-2%} to 0
                                                loop all players in world "Spleef":
                                                    if {arena.%loop-player%} is "%arg-2%":
                                                        play raw sound "random.levelup" at location of loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1
                                                        teleport loop-player to {spawn.%arg-2%.%{_num}%}
                                                        add 1 to {_num}
                                                        add 1 to {playersleft.%arg-2%}
                                                        give iron shovel of efficiency 1 to loop-player
The less than works but when starting the countdown it can't think if its greater than or equal to the number of minimum players.
send "%{players.%arg-2%}% %{spleef.minplayers}%" to console # works
                            if {players.%arg-2%} is greater than or equal to {spleef.minplayers}: # Doesn't do it
                                send "Yeah" to console # Doesn't send it to console that's how I know it doesn't detect it is greater than or equal to {spleef.minplayers}
                                if {countdown.%arg-2%} is "no":
                                    send "Mhm" to console
                                    loop all players in world "Spleef":
                                        send "Yepppp" to console
                                        if {arena.%loop-player%} is arg-2:
                                            send "idk" to console
                                            set {countdown.%arg-2%} to "yes"
                                            send "{@p} &3Game is starting in 60 seconds." to loop-player
Players are 3 and minimum is 1 and it STILL doesn't detect that it's even greater than the minimum players!
A freaking 4 year old will be able to figure that out! (not trying to insult 4-year-olds)

It's really retarded that a coding plugin can't do that.
So is there an alternative to fixing this and figuring it out. (doesn't matter about size I just want it to work....)
I think the problem is that one if the 2 variables you're comparing in not a integer. So it can't compare a text with a number. You can add:
Set {players.%arg-2%} to {players.%arg-2%} parsed as integer
Set {spleef.minplayers} to {spleef.minplayers} parsed as integer
Before you're checking if they are equal...
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