Block stage break ? help

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Mar 22, 2018
Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript 2.2 Fixes V8B.jar
Skript Author: Me
Minecraft Version: 1.8.x

There is a plugin "betterblock"
What the plugin does is that it saves the block process and it can change the block process speed of breaking
The Plugin is 1.12 and i am looking for makeing a script like that

I just dont know where to start or how to do it ?
Can anyone help :emoji_slight_smile:

- what i want is how to save block process and change the speed of breaking "animation"

Have you tried searching the docs? Yes
Have you tried searching the forums? Yes
What other methods have you tried to fix it? None. I don't know where to start.
I would do it for you but im so lazy to dowloading new addons and google informations... sorry
sorry :emoji_frowning: .. really i have no clue how to make it.. i was thinking about it but.. idk.. you need to save every single block.. and "realistic damage"... it quit difficult to do it..
I can make for you some template and you just need to put there right expressions....
sure, it will help :emoji_slight_smile:
btw i have tryet "show block break stage 5 at event-block for player" but it gives me an error

ERROR Can't understand this condition/effect: show block break stage animation 5 at event-block for player (, line 27: show block break stage animation 5 at event-block for player')
1. Your error > Do you have all required plugins or addons?

break stage change event:
    world condition:
         block still exists condition:
               save break stage of targeted block to {var1.block-identificatior}
stop mining event:
    world condition:
        block still exists condition:
            set break stage animation of targeted block to {var1.block-identificatior}
start mining event:
    world condition:
        if {var1.block-identificatior} is set:
            set break stage animation of targeted block to {var1.block-identificatior}
so.. you have to find out events and expressions.. i would do it like this
i have proto lib
still not working... is there anyone who can help ? :emoji_slight_smile:

about saving block
i know what to do when i know how to make the first thing :emoji_slight_smile:
[doublepost=1526998698,1526998411][/doublepost]is there anyone who knows about how to do the block-break stage event ?
ERROR event-block is not an entity (, line 27: show block break stage 5 at event-block')
ohhh! try updating it! some other functions not working too.. like set yaw and pitch of entity..

[doublepost=1526999250][/doublepost]try "location of event-block" or "event-entity" if it wants entity xD
then i dont know.. try setting block into variable.. sometimes it works..
sorry i need to go.. i have to make homework :emoji_grinning:
thx for your help

is there anyone else who can help me plz ? :emoji_slight_smile:
[doublepost=1527002111,1526999453][/doublepost]anyone :emoji_grinning: ?
[doublepost=1527012908][/doublepost]no one :emoji_grinning: ?
plz :emoji_slight_smile: ?
[doublepost=1527169024,1527108333][/doublepost]still none :emoji_stuck_out_tongue: ?
[doublepost=1527513944][/doublepost]someone ?
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